Installing Fear

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"Ugh! I kissed that thing!" Trevor yelled holding his stomach keeping himself from throwing up. Sub felt like the pain from before got ten times worse. He wanted to disappear off the face of the Earth listening to Trevor regret ever saving him.
"You should see the look on your face!" Sub's dad scoffed. When he was done laughing he went back to torturing Sub. He poked at Sub's empty eye sockets getting sand in them. Sub's heed began to burn.
"Cut it out!" Ethan growled actually taking a step forward like he was going to do something. Before Sub could react he was jerked in front of his dad being stabbed by the scissors Ethan was planning on attacking them with.
"Those scissors go deeper I bet." His dad said pushing Sub further on the scissors. Ethan was to shocked to move the only movements he made was when he twitched causing the scissors to go a little up or down. When his dad let go of his wrist Sub instantly wrapped them around Ethan's neck in hope of protection.
Ethan took the scissors out of Sub's stomach and held Sub by the waist in hopes of comfort.
Sub wasn't sure what was going on the five of them just stood in silence with the loud sniffing noises the pup made.
Sub's heart almost stopped when their silence was interrupted by a gun shot.

"You fucking bastards!" The girl from earlier screamed. Another shot was fired and Sub's dad fell to the ground with half his head blown to bits.

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