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Time began to speed up causing Ethan and Trevor to fall face first in to dead grass.
Ethan was the first to stand followed by Trevor they took couscous steps toward the broken boy disguised as a doll.

"I am the best brother ever!" Sketch a voice was full rage and the demented smile on the wooden head mad him sound insane.

"Brothers don't do this shit to each other." Trevor hissed under his breath. Ethan's anger was getting the best of him. It was obvious he couldn't walk in a straight line and he stumbled over his own feet .every few steps. His red eyes burning like fire while Trevor's were ice cold.

"I'm just showing Sub how much it hurts to be trapped here." Sketch stated flatly as if it were normal. Ethan's eyes narrowed into small slits of hatred. Trevor's fists clenched digging his cupped and broken nails into his skin.

"He's your brother you fuck!" Ethan shouted sounding pathetic compared to Trevor's booming voice.
Sub had passed out from blood loss and soon going to die again. Ethan felt unbelievably guilty for ever letting Sub leave his side for a second. This act showed a weak spot in Ethan that Sketch gladly took advantage of.

"Did you know because of you two he's been dying even more than usual?" Sketch's voice held a smirk in it.
Trevor shook his head in refusal and Ethan clenched his teeth he was wary of them shattering under the pressure.

"He's hurting more because of you idiots." Sketch almost laughed at the boys' sharp glares.
They were interrupted by Sub gasping for breath from his soul being forced back into his body forcing it back in function. New scars lined his small figure and old bruises being renewed.

"Sub." Ethan breathed hardly able to speak trying to suppress his anger toward Sketch. Though Sketch took no notice towards Sub's awakening.


Sub painfully ripped the knife out of his hand making dirt go threw the wound probably infecting it. The second the knife was pulled out of Sub's hand and the ground blood poured out of his hand making him slightly light headed.
He forced himself to his feet with the knife still in his unfounded hand.
He took shaky silent step toward his brother, Ethan, and Trevor.
When he was right behind his brother he stopped to think.
He was hesitant, and Sketch noticed knowing he could mess with his little brother's 'oh so fragile feelings'.

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