Did You Give Up?

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Word had gotten to the ruler of the kingdom being terrorized by Sub writing his message.

He was in an alleyway half asleep waiting for nightfall so he could continue his work.

Guards were walking around the kingdom asking questions about him.

He didn't get it, why did people treat him like such a farm up being? There were much more dangerous brings out there than him.

Like the demon like Subs that whose soul propose is to ruin people's lives.

He brought his knees to his chest feeling his worn out pants on his stomach where the blood covered hole in his shirt was.

He was stuck in a daze about to fall asleep when he heard shuffling of paper.

He quickly looked up even though he couldn't see and began to shuffle away further into the alleyway.

The sound of the paper stopped and he heard it being handed to him, he hesitantly grabbed the paper feeling the words in bolded on the crumpled paper.

"How are you normal?" The paper read, Sub was about to get out his knife when a hand grabbed his wrist and yanked it out of his grasp.

Again he heard the paper being written on and handed to him.

"Stop cutting its not going to solve anything!" Sub wanted to cry into Ethan's shirt, instead he just began to pant loudly it's just how he cried.

Ethan didn't understand and he didn't want to see Sub die again, thinking he wasn't breathing correctly he pulled Subs blinded face to his and placed his lips onto his breathing pushing air into Sub's lungs.

He quickly pushed away not getting what that was.

The now irritating paper sounded in his ears and stopped wen it was placed i from of him.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" Subs reached out a hand for the pencil Ethan was using, feeling the piece of wood being placed in his hand he got a strange feeling in his stomach.

It was his first time writing with a pencil and he didn't even know how to hold it.

While he fiddled with the pencil trying to find out the best way to hold it Ethan suddenly rushed to his feet only to be pushed down on top of Sub.

"The King demands him to be thrown in the dungeon!" A guard yelled, Sub felt like he shrank twice his size when he heard how terrifying the voice was.

"What the hell are you thinking, going even outside while a sub is in the kingdom?!" The other spat. Ethan got up off of Sub and hulled him to his feet only to grab his hand and race the other way down the alleyway.

Then Sub remembered his knife, the one he need to write his message.

He tried to yell, tell Ethan to go back but nothing came out except for choking noises.

"Get back here kid! You don't know what that thing is capable of!" The guards were right behind them.

He didn't understand he wasn't capable of anything, not even dying.

One of the guards grabbed his other wrist and began to pull on it. Sub was for sure that his arm would come off if it wasn't for Ethan letting go?

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