Invisable Stars

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"You have a lot of nerve running away from me." The girl hissed. "No matter what what you try to escape, I will find you. And on day your immortality will be mine." She laughed like a devil.

"You're fucking messed up." Trevor said trying to seem like that last hour didn't happen.

"I'm not the one who kissed that thing." Like lighting she raised her gun at Sub's head and shot a hole straight threw it. Ethan panicked feeling Sub's body go limp. This time was different Sub knew if Trevor or Ethan lets that bitch near him he'll be gone forever.

"Hand over the sub." Every time she walked closer the boys dragged Sub's healing body.
Sub jerked up once his soul was forced back into his body. He didn't want to share his cures. This girl didn't know the price of immortality.
Sub heard the sound of metal on metal, and repaired for another blow to head.

"What?! I'm out of bullets?!" She panicked shaking her gun. Sub stood up on his feet the wolf pup quickly jumping on him.

"Let's go." Ethan said putting his arm around Sub's waist while Trevor out his arm around Sub's neck. Which Ethan wanted to strangle Trevor just for touching him.

"I was just shocked. I aware I didn't mean it." Trevor said after a while of listening to their footsteps.

"Save it. You're lucky Sub forgives easily. You're not so lucky that I don't." Ethan replied wanting to keep the comfy silence that fell between the four. The pup long sense fell asleep in the comfort of Sub's arms. 'I know there are stars even though it's day. Would I still be able to wish upon one?' Sub wondered blocking out the all the sound around him. Leaving him with a ringing in his ear. 'Can someone understand me better than Sketch? The brother who saved me from my dad. We had a thousand silent conversations. I miss those days. When I could see, when I could speak, when my family loved each other. Why did it end? Why did dad get drunk? Why did sketch protect me? Why did dad love Sketch more than me? Where did mom go?'

"Sub?" Ethan took Sub out of his memories and thoughts. "Are you okay?"
Maybe Sub did find someone who understood him. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that he never noticed how much Ethan and Sketch have in common.

"I'll teach you how to write how about? The you can say what Evers on your mind." Trevor said pushing Ethan out of the picture. Sub was actually happy. The first time he felt true happiness in years.

"Hey! I thought I was teaching him!" Ethan yelled at Trevor.

"I guess not any more." Trevor said sarcastically eating a hand in Ethan's face. That moment reminded Sub of when he and his brother would bicker about silly things, and only managing to be in the same room.
It was official Sub missed his brother a lot.

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