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Sub just stood in nothingness with the light of death taunting him, begging him to catch it.
After waiting he got the wind pushed out of his lungs from being forced back into his bow healed body. Sub forced himself to suck in a long choppy breathe, shakily letting it out. His sockets still burned from all the sand.
Sub pulled himself to his feet and tried to feel his way back to Ethan and Trevor.

"You caused my king a lot of trouble." A voice hissed at him. Sub froze with fear when the guard grabbed Sub's hair. 'When will these guys give up?!'
Sub just wanted a break of the torment and the beatings. He uselessly struggled against the strong grip of the guard.
Sub was violently shoved into a cramped cage. He even hit his head against the top trying to stand up.

"It's cute when it struggles." The guard laughed and spat on Sub. "To bad we already locked up those boys. It would have been fun to see some kids fight."
Sub wanted anything but to go back to the king. The embarrassment of always dressing up and walking around the kingdom still scared him.
The guard laughed at Sub every time he flinched at the sudden jerks the guard made on the cage when pulling him.
Sub couldn't feel scared or upset. He just wanted to beat the shit out of something.
He knew the king was going to torture Ethan and Trevor, and he felt ha had to help. 'Stop being so useless.' His mind yelled at him.

Missing Ability (subthan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now