Wolf Pup

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Ethan grabbed Trevor's hair and pulled him off Sub.

"I'm going to snap your neck next time you do that." He hissed, his voice even sent chills up Sub's back. Sub got up and began walking to feel around a mental image of the checkpoint.
He blocked out the two boys fighting which brought back painful memories of his family. When his parents would yell at each other. His only protection then was his older brother.
Sub began to pant, missing the feel of his tears that no long came out.

"What's he doing?" Trevor asked Ethan.

"Crying you heartless ass." Ethan replied still pissed as he walked over to comfort him. Ethan hugged Sub moving away every time Trevor tried to touch Sub. Sub felt safety in Ethan's arms, just like his brother. Ethan shushed him swayed back and forth.
Sub didn't know if he should be happy to have Ethan and Trevor or sad about his mysterious missing brother and his long gone mother. Ethan placed kisses on Sub's forehead hoping he'd calm down. Sub stopped after a little while feeling light headed.

"It's almost like taking care of a child." Trevor said breaking the silence, taking Sub into his own arms.

"You little-"

"I didn't kiss him." Trevor interrupted making Ethan think about what he was gonna say next. Sub pulled on Ethan's shirt trying to say he heard something.

"What's wrong? Don't like Trevor?" Ethan jumped to a conclusion. Sub shook his head in response trying to say he felt fine.

"Lies!" Trevor yelled. Sub had to shush them both from breaking out into a fight again. When everything was silent the three heard a small rustle in a near by bush. They looked to the sound Sub still did anyways even though he couldn't see it.
There was a small growl coming from the bush. When Ethan stepped closer the animal jumped out and attacked him.

"Aww." Trevor squealed. "Look at the little puppy!"
Ethan giggled at the playful nips the pup did.

"I think it's a wolf, maybe wandered to far from home." He said picking up the pup. Sub stepped closer to feel the pup, his hands moved gently around the pups face.

"Can we keep it?" Trevor said looking down at Sub making him feel small. Sub shrugged making Trevor hug him with joy. Sub's mind then jumped to an image of a dead pack of wolves. He turned to the pup again not understanding what happened but knowing something was after this pup.

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