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Sub couldn't explain his feelings. He felt sad then angry and he just wanted to die. He knew he could grant one of his wishes.
He placed the palm of his hand under his chin and the other gripping his blood stained hair. Before either Ethan or Trevor could ask he pushed up on his neck and pulled down the top of his head sending a sickening crack threw the air. He instantly fell into the dark space he knew much to well. He knew the movements of his dead body were sickening to watch when it would snap his head back in place. All he had to do was wait.
As he stood in silence the small light at the end of the tunnel seemed to be getting closer to him. He looked down to make sure he wasn't walking. When he saw he was still stationary where he'd been he started walking backwards. Away from the light he so desperately wanted to catch. Before the blinding light could get any closer his soul was shoved back into his body.
He wasn't met by Ethan or Trevor's question or their arms wrapped around them. He was met with silence as he sat in the same place next to Sketch's dead body.

He heard far off yells coming from the right of the house. Sub hesitated before standing up and slowly walked to the sounds. The mumbled quickly formed into words.

"Don't do it Ethan! Sub needs us!" Trevor yelled as he tackled Ethan.

"One day he won't comeback! I want to be there waiting if he doesn't!" Ethan yelled back pushing Trevor off him and shuffling to pick up something.

"Damn it what if nothing happens? You'll look like a fool and put Sub in even more pain!" Trevor yelled back.
Sub didn't know what was going on he stood in silence listening to their fighting. It wasn't long before he realized it was because of him they were fighting.
He found himself leaning on the burned remains of his old house. The fighting quickly died down as the boys were tired and noticed Sub's presence.
Sub wanted to say he was sorry for making them argue but instead he just looked down in shame mentally beating himself.
The boys completely forgot about their fight and walked forwards Sub. He only walked away from them in return.

"What's wrong Sub?" Trevor asked cautiously. Sub shook his head at the question and proceeded taking one step back every time they took a step closer.
The aery feel of it all could easily make someone loose their mind with in a couple of minutes. So many questions filled Sub's mind as he keeps his distance between him and his savors.
'Why were they fighting? What was Ethan going to do that would hurt him? What was Ethan waiting for? Why'd he have to intrude on their happy normal lives?'
Sub learned to ignore these questions over time but this time was different. This time the questions formed because the people he cared about were hiding something.

(A/N: omg! This was short! I have no excuses this time other than the fact that my cat is in my drawer. Hope you enjoyed I'll be sure to update more often.)

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