Save Me

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The servant retuned with a pencil and paper and Sub was sitting on the floor breathless and still coughing.

"Now tell me what you did bad." The king snickered. The servant left and Sub wish she'd come back.

He moved his hand around in search for the pencil, he felt the paper and picked it up. Then he heard the pencil roll off the paper and out of the locked cell that only the king was able to open.

Sub had it he wanted to burst into tears right then and there, he even pulled his legs to his chest burying his face face into them and begun to shake.

He could tell the king was staring at him in disgust, while he sat there in the cold cell trying to cry.

The silence was interrupted by someone running down the halls.

"Get back here kid! Don't go down there!" A guards booming voice sounded through the halls.

When the foot steps reached the cell that held Sub and the king, he heard paper being unfolded.

Sub was grabbed by his hair and pulled to his feet only to have a knife held to his neck. Even though he couldn't die, it still hurt like hell.

"So you're the kid who tried to run off with my slave?" The king hissed. More rustling of paper.

Sub wished he could read the paper, know what Ethan was saying.

"Look at him! Only another monster could ever love an abomination like him!" The king yelled, pushing subs face forward to meet the cold metal bars which he got a new cut from.

He could have sworn his head was going to be squashed right under the Kings grip.

Something took him away from the pain.

Ethan leaned down and kissed Sub, not a kiss of life just a kiss.

Sub didn't understand what was going on, he's never had someone meet their lips with his.

Before he could react the king pulled back his head and smashed it against the metal bars, he felt the warm blood come out from where he was hit.

Sub could tell Ethan was trying to do something, listening of his run around and the times he thought blocking would be a good idea.

"There he is!" The guard Sub had heard earlier ran up and grabbed Ethan my the arm. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

Sub wished he'd hurry up and die the second Ethan left the room.

'Ethan, save me.' He mentally screamed, begged, cried.

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