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Sub blindly looked at to were he thought man was silently begging him to go on.

"You live eternally correct? Unable to die from anything?" Sub nodded wanting to know the deal. He was practically jumping up and down.

"Well. I'll give you your losses and disabilities back if." The man paused thinking for a moment. "If you stay by my side eternally."
Not thinking of the consequences Sub instantly agreed nodding his head furiously. The man snickered at Sub's childish behavior.

"But. I want your memories and emotions." The man said knowing Sub would agree to anything at this point. Sub nodded not even hearing what the man said. Then snapped his fingers watching as all the emotion from Sub's face disappear. His emerald eyes showing no sign of emotion.
A sharp pain split through Sub's head as he saw the faint glow of the moon. He looked around with his slight headache at his surroundings.

"You look so human." The man said as he walked up to Sub petting his head. Sub starred blankly up at the man.

"H-h-home." It was almost like unknown torture not being able to feel excited or happy about talking for the first time in years.

"Yes Sub. Let's go 'home'." The man took Sub's hand and lead him off to a village or kingdom.

(A/N: hi! Sorry I haven't been updating often. I've been studying for finals. I hat school. Well thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!)

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