Safe With Me

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The king left Sub in the cell bleeding to death.

Sub could tell they were all terrified by the King's actions next to his own presents.

Sub gathered the strength to pull himself to a corner of the cell where he was hidden from view, he pressed his lips together remembering how Ethan put their lips together. He still didn't know what it meant, people were always so scared of him. He heard the rattling of chains behind him, he turned around. Someone looking down at him through the small window leading to the outside.

"Sub zero correct?" By the voice it was a girl. She spoke with no emotion, Sub nodded not knowing what else to do.

"Sub 26, nice to meet you." Her emotionless voice confused Sub.

He heard the chains around her wrists rattle again.

Then a crash that could have made him loose his hearing too. Guards ran into the prison shouting and cursing.

26 grabbed the back is Sub's shirt and pulled him threw the broken wall.

"Let's get a move on!" She yelled dragging Sub with her.

Sub didn't want to go with this stranger he wanted to go with Ethan, where he could actually feel safe.

"Stop struggling! You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be!" He heard the sound of metal against metal then something being put to his head.

"Damn brat! Don't make me shoot!" Sub began to shake not wanting to die twice in one day, he by his lip knowing what kind of sub he was up against.

His ears were ringing nonstop giving him a slight head ache. Out of nowhere she fell on top of him seemingly loosing conciseness.

Sub panicked and tried to push her off, he heard footsteps getting closer to him.

The person pushed off the girl and picked up Sub bridal style, Sub felt safe in Ethan's arms. Ethan leaned Sub against a nearby tree and began to write on his worn out piece of paper.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding."

Ethan guided Sub's hand to the right sentence bolded in the paper.

Sub nodded in response, Ethan then took his hand and placed the pencil in it and formed his hand around it.

Ethan guided Sub's hand with the pencil creating lines and curves, then going over them again making them bold and able to feel. Sub put down the pencil to feel what they made together.

"You're safe now."

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