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Ethan stared at his food almost in disgust poking at the vegetables with his fork. His mom has been trying to get him to eat more than just a fork full of fool for dinner and his dad would repeat the question of cutting down a tree with him.
He forced a few more bites of food down his throat and left for the stairs knowing he won't be able to sleep. Opening the door to his room he almost choked on his own spit when he saw the shadow of a person outside his window. He closed his eyes almost falling asleep where he stood then opened them to see the figure gone. He sighed deeply making his throat dry looking back at the frozen window one more time before walking to his bed. He still felt uneasy like someone was watching.
When his head hit the pillow his eye lids seemed to carry the weight of a cow. Ethan moved his eyes up to try and keep his mind from slipping into unconsciousness.
Before he knew it his eyes shut and he was asleep for the first time in weeks.


Ethan shot up in a dark emptiness. Sweat made his clothes stick to his body and his breathing was uneven. His scarlet eyes darted around in their sockets to find out where he was.

"Stay away from it" a hollow voice broke the ear ringing silence. Ethan looked around some more for the source of the voice.

"What's 'it'?" Ethan asked his vocal cords not screeching in pain. Out of nowhere Sub's body outline speared from the darkness just it was taller and seemed stronger.

"Sub?" Ethan reached out a hand to the outline then quickly pulled back when color was added to the figure.
The boy had piercing red eyes and dark brown hair much like Sub. He wore a brown shirt and blue pants with red shoes covering his feet.

"Stay away from it." The boy repeated as if he knew no other words. His almost glowing red eyes were unreadable and emotionless.

"Who are you?" Ethan's voice was quiet mesmerized by the boy's eyes.

"Sketch." The boy replied flatly. His facial expression unmoving to the point where Ethan wanted to run for his life.

"Alright 'Sketch' what is it?" Ethan repeated the question getting irritated. Sketch forced a small heartless smile onto his face as if showing sympathy.

"Sub. This is a warning. Stay away from," there was a pause as if Sketch was waiting for someone to interrupt, "Sub." His last word was just above a whisper barley making it to Ethan's ears.

~dream end~

Ethan shot up in pool of his own sweat. He looked around the familiar settings of his room and sighed deeply. His forgotten dream still haunting him. Ethan looked out the window to see the sun peeking over the horizon rising in slow motion. The funny thing is that same sunrise could be going lightning fast for someone else.
Ethan blinked a few time letting his eyes adjust to the light slowly creeping up his walls.

"Ethan!" His mom called from downstairs. 'Of course she's up.' His mind commented sarcastically at his mom's early-bird-gets-the-worm spirit.
He climbed out of bed and walked downstairs realized he didn't change clothes from the night before and he smelled like a boys locker room.

"Your friend is here." She chirped seeing Ethan at the top of the stairs. Ethan walked down the stairs with a scowl stuck on his face even while he was tying his shoes.

"Bye! Have fun!" His mom called closing the door behind them.
They walked a few steps unlike Trevor broke the silence by saying: "Ready to go faggot?" Ethan glared at the smaller raven haired boy.

"Ready as you are asshat." He replied tiredly.

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Chanicka is now over and now it's time for Christmas! Have a merry Christmas everyone! Have fun with your family and I hope you get what you want!)

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