Daddy's Back

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Sub sat in the tall dry grass listening to Ethan and Trevor play with the pup.

"We should name it." Trevor suggested. Ethan's vocal cords went out a few minutes ago leaving him to draw in the dirt or make gesture.

"Sub what to you think?" Trevor said crawling over to sit next to Sub. Ethan followed the action. Sub felt a negativity between the two of them. His face got all warm and he got a strange feeling in his stomach when they pressed their shoulders to his.
The pup getting the sense Sub must be the mother ran up to him and sat in his lap.

"What a cute little family, I never thought you'd fall for a sub. Much less a guy." A voice hissed at the four of them. "Hand over the sub. You know my family's in debt!"
The two boys moved in front of Sub and the wolf.

"Fuck off David We're not letting you touch him." Trevor replied with an equal amount of venom in his voice. Sub held the wolf in his arms making sure it was comfortable.
David ran towards Sub, being blocked by the other boys.

"You know I can kick both your asses." He hissed. In an attempt to weaken David. Ethan pulled out the bloodied scissors and jammed them into David's leg. He cried out in pain falling to the ground feeling his leg go limp and fall asleep.
Sub stepped closer to seem a little braver than he felt, only to have his leg be pulled forward causing him to fall. He dropped the unnamed wolf which just landed on his chest. David begun to pull Sub towards him.

"You just don't know when to quit do you?" Trevor laughed and stepped on David's arm letting go of Sub. Ethan helped him up and the three walked away leaving David to die, the pup trotting close behind.

"We should try to find the next village." Trevor suggested Sub nodded, feeling Ethan's grip on his waist tighten. Sub wondered how weird it must be talking to, two mutes how can't really respond. That also got him wondering what Trevor looked like.
He pulled on Trevor's sleeve which was closer than he thought to get his attention.

"What is it?" Trevor said facing Sub to show his full attention. Sub left around for Trevor's face and once he found it he tried to create a mental image of him. There was a pushed back flap of hair that was originally over his eye, with high cheek bones and a strong jaw.
The wolf began to bark at something catching Sub's attention worried it was what ever killed its pack.

"Sub. Why don't you come home with daddy? I've been looking for you."

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