Prove It

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The man felt the scissors hanging in Ethan's stomach after hearing palace guards talking not that far away.

The gang ran off leaving the two boys in the alleyway, Sub was trying unbelievably hard to cry he felt so much pain and it hurt even worse knowing Ethan got hurt.

Sub was just waiting for death to heal him, feeling regret of egged meeting Ethan, coming to the kingdom, being born.

Ethan pulled sub into a darker part of the alleyway where they'd be unseen by the passing guards, once leaned against the brick wall of the building Sub felt around for Ethan who was sitting next to him with his eyes fixed on Sub's disturbing mouth.

Sub turned away feeling a flash of pain go through his body when he did. He didn't want Ethan to leave him for what he looked like. He began to pant hoping just one year would come out of one of his empty sockets and stuck in the fabric of the new blindfold.

Ethan took Sub's hand making him flinch and turn around, Ethan knew he was going to have nightmares after seeing what the gang had done to Sub.

Sub felt around Ethan's stomach finding the scissors, he gave no hesitation when yanking them out swiftly. Ethan gasped and groaned from the pain, he then began coughing causing more pain.

Sub just wanted to stop fucking up all the time.

He tore off part of his shirt and found the wound wrapping the fabric around it. Sub could tell Ethan was crying, and envied him for it. He picked up the scissors and drove them into his arm writing outa message much like he did with his knife.

"Leave." The connected red lines read.

"But Sub." Ethan coughed from over using his raspy voice.

Now he was mad, Sub didn't want Ethan to get hurt Ethan was the only person he cared about.

Sub had to use his leg for the message he was about to write was going to be long.

"I don't want you hurt, you're the only person I've ever cared about. Please Ethan go home, it would have been better if we never met."

When Ethan stopped reading the message he grabbed Sub's shoulders gripping the tightly, like he was going to kill him.

"Shut up!" He yelled. "What about you?! I may be safe, but I will never be okay until I know you're not hurting!" He hugged Sub crying into his shoulder.

"Why are you such an idiot?" Sub didn't get it, he was trying to protect Ethan.

"I wanted to teach you to write, i hoped we could be happy and start a family." Sub knew it was hurting Ethan to talk but he just wouldn't shut up.

"We could have gone to school together, we could have carved out named on the tree in which I saved you." Ethan's voice was sad and beginning to squeak from all the use. Sub wanted him to stop, but there was nothing he could do but listen. Listen to all the things he once hoped to do, and the things Ethan wishes they could do.

"We could have got a house far away from people, we could have researched how we could get your vision back, we-" Sub put a hand over Ethan's mouth stopping him from straining his voice any further, he shook his head feeling around his stomach for the wound.

Ethan took a deep breath and looked at Sub.

"I may be weak now but I'll beat the shit out of anyone who hurts you." His voice was just above a whisper Sub nodded knowing there was no changing Ethan's mind.

He took the scissors and wrote out a quick ugly message.

"Prove you're strong." It read. Ethan getting the picture nodded and took the scissors from Sub's hand.

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