Escaped Kingdom

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Sub woke up to Ethan gently shaking him, because he didn't move for a while Ethan kept shaking him until he moved.
Ethan patted Sub's head. Sub missed the day even though he couldn't see it. Ethan helped Sub to his feet and they skidded out of the alleyway hand in hand.

"We're close." Ethan said with his slightly better voice. As Sub ran he heard something slide across the road when he kicked it. The noise sounded so familiar. He let go of Ethan's hand not knowing where he was.
Sub followed where the sound went and bent down to touch the object.
He jumped when a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Looking for your knife?" The king's voice said much closer that Sub estimated. Sub gasped when the king lifted him by his arm, forgetting how strong he was.

"Don't touch him!" Ethan screamed at the king, running towards them.

"You're only a child what are you doing up so late?" The king taunted as guards held Ethan's arms, keeping him from going any further.

"He said don't touch him!" Another voice yelled from the opposite side.
The king fell to the ground dropping Sub.

"You damn brat!" He hissed holding his shin. The unfamiliar person took Sib's hand and began to run completely forgetting about Ethan. The two made a break for the gates.

"You bastard get back here!" Ethan yelled finally getting loose of the guards grip.
The three each ran threw the gates with the guards close behind. Ethan caught up grabbing Sub's other hand making him almost loose his balance.

"You got a lot of nerve Trevor." Ethan hissed.

"You looked like you could use some help, but this sub looked like he needed it more." Trevor said flatly. Sub tried memorizing the sound of the two boys voices so he'd know who was who.

"We stop here." Ethan demanded winded.

"Agreed." Trevor gasped. Sub felt around to get to know their checkpoint. He heard a few snickers from Trevor. His stomach turned when he felt both Ethan's and Trevor's eyes on him, just staring. He wanted to run an extra ten miles just to get away from their sight.
He tried moving but felt their eyes follow. He kept walking then tripped into some miniature cacti. Ethan quickly ran over to help him up and get the thorns out. Trevor sat next to them playing with Sub's blindfold and hair. He gasped every time Ethan pulled out a needle.

"You still look perfect." Ethan said placing a light kiss where the last needle was pulled out.

"Never kissed a guy." Trevor said leaning down and kissing Sub on the lips. Sub still didn't understand what this kiss was but he knew it made people happy. For some reason Sub couldn't help but feel Ethan's eyes staring at them and he could have sworn the grass was going to light on fire around them from his anger.

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