Smile For Me

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Sub felt a cold cloth wrap around his head where his eye sockets were.

"Don't worry Ethan we'll be back." Said one of the seemingly many boys as he dragged Sub by his hair towards the castle.

Sub's wrists still burned from the copper, now unable to move his arms he had a large burn on his back.

Out of nowhere the boys all collapsed at the same time, Sub landing on the limp bodies.

"How dare you even try escaping me." A feminine voice hissed at sub.

He heard the sound of metal hitting metal, the girl pushed the gun against Sub's head and this time instead of a warning she fired the gun. Sub faded into the now normal blackness with a light far away from him.

Every step he took towards the light the further it became, he started at a slow walk the a jog he then began to sprint to the light he desperately wanted to pass through. Then a wave of shock passed through him as his souls was dragged down back into his now healed body.

He shot up with the feeling of hands on his shoulders.

"You're not taking the reward you bitch!" Sub heard one of the boys that attacked him.

"I'm not after the reward dumbass!" The girl hissed, Sub held up a shaky hand and felt around the person still gripping his shoulders.

He sighed in relief when he found it was Ethan. Ethan leaned in and kissed Sub's forehead, he felt that warm feeling again run through his body.

Ethan gently took Sub's hands, he flinched at the sudden pressure on his burns. Ethan placed subs arms around his neck much like he did at his house.

He coughed silently not wanting to draw attention from the on going battle over Sub.

"Let's get out of here." His gravely voice whispered, breaking mid sentence. Sub nodded feeling the safe of Ethan's arms around him and for the first time in years he smiled.

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