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    The cold air hit my skin as I picked up my clothes that had been tossed all over the floor and threw them on. I tiptoed over to my door and turned the knob as gently and quietly as possible. As I went to pull the door open a voice from my bed stopped me.

    "What are you doing?" Sweet Pea whispered.

    "Eavesdropping on my uncles business dinner," I whispered as if it should have been obvious.

    "Of course." He chuckled and laid back down in the bed.

    I made my way out into the hall and down a couple of stairs making sure that they didn't creak. I peeked over the banister to see Fred, Madam McCoy, Sheriff Keller, Hermione, and Hiram Lodge and Veronica. I heard them talking about the plans for Pickens Day. Hiram proposed a Pickens Day festival of some sorts and the Serpents would be hired as security. I knew that this whole event was to promote his destruction of the Southside and hiring the serpents would not blow over well. The front door popped open and Archie came in drenched in sweat. He looked at me curiously, wondering why I was crouching on the stairs. I brought my finger to my mouth and signaled him to be quiet. He gave me a reassuring wink and a thumbs up before continuing into the dining room and I went back to my room. When I entered my bedroom I immediately ran to my bed and nearly jumped onto Sweet Pea.

     "Woah calm down, Princess." He chuckled as he put his arms around my waist to steady me.

    "Sweet Pea, they are hiring the serpents for Pickens Day." I rambled quickly.

    "Slow down babe, I can't understand you."

    "The Lodges, and the Mayor, and the Sheriff, everyone, they want the Serpents to work Pickens Day as security," I informed him once more.

    "What the hell-" He began but before he was interrupted by my bedroom door opening. Archie came in, not sweaty this time, with a stressed look on his face but it quickly faded when he saw Sweet Pea on my bed. 

    "What the hell is the snake doing here?" He pointed towards Sweet Pea. I felt Sweet Pea tense up, refusing the urge to fight back with Archie. He rolled his eyes and scoffed quietly.

     "Calm down, Gingerbread," Sweet Pea spoke with reason. I jumped out of the bed and went to Archie.

     "Don't tell Fred." I pleaded. "And don't call him a snake."

    "Don't defend him Y/n, he's not good for you." He grabbed my arm and turned it up to show my Serpent tattoo.

    "He didn't make me do that!" I pulled my arm away. "And don't lecture me about my relationship choices, you dated your god damn music teacher. And I thought you were playing nice now with the Serpents because of Veronica."

    "Yeah I am, but not with him." He glared at Sweet Pea.

    "You're acting like a child Archie." I sighed.

     "What? I am not  acting like a child." He scoffed. 

    "Archie, why did you come in here in the first place?"

    "To talk about the Lodges but nevermind-" He went to leave my room but I stopped him.

    "Wait, what about the Lodges?" I tried to ask casually.

    "Me and Veronica," He shook his head. "Mr. Lodge hates me."

    "Ugh, Archie," I said with an exasperated groan. "You're useless. I don't care about you and Ronnie." I pushed him out of the room. "And by the way, he hates you cause you fuck his daughter and your dad fucked his wife."

    I closed my door and sighed heavily suddenly remembering Sweet Pea was still there. I looked at him and shook my head tiredly.

    "I just learned way too much about you guys." He sat up in my bed.

    "Like what?"

    "Well, Gingerbread did it with his teacher and you dad banged a Lodge." He nearly laughed.

    "Last year was rough." I down at my desk and continued writing the article for the Blue and Gold that I had started several hours ago. I worked for nearly an hour and talked to Sweet Pea about school, the serpents and anything else we thought of. When I came to the end of my article I crawled into bed next to Sweet Pea who was nearly asleep already.

    "Hey Princess," Sweet Pea said groggily and I hummed in response. "Should I head home?"

    "No," I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Just stay till morning." 

    "Okay, babe." He wrapped his arms around me and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before we both fell asleep. 

    When I woke up the next morning I woke up to the appalling feeling of a bitter cold and desolate bed. I begrudgingly rose from my bed with a stale groan. Catching a glimpse of a single piece of paper sitting on my desk I went over to go read it. 

    Sorry, I ditched, had to go home before school - Sweet Pea

    I smiled softly to myself while I read the messily written letter. I tucked it into a stack of paper and then continued to prepare for the day ahead. I said goodbye to my Uncle and got in my car to drive to school. Once I arrived at school I went straight to my locker in hopes Sweet Pea would be there. He wasn't. With a sigh, I opened my locker and began to transfer my books from my bag to my locker. When I closed my locker though there he was, leaning against his locker, the one right next to mine. He wore a smirk as he watched my jump slightly at the surprise of seeing him right there.

    "Morning Princess." He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head.

    "Good morning Pea." I smiled up at him. 

    "So did you snoop anymore into the Lodges business with your Uncle?" He asked me.

    "Nah," I sighed heavily. "I figured I'd let Jughead handle that. I'm focused on other things right now." I looked up at him and took his hand in mine.

   "Hey, Princess." He pulled me closer to him. "Would you want to stay at my house this weekend?" He looked slightly nervous when he asked me this.

    "Of course," I said but then hesitated. "But I'll have to ask Fred, he's ready to put me on house arrest." 

    "Yeah, I get it." He chuckled. "Just text me." We had arrived at my first-period classroom. I gave him a nod and went into the classroom. 

    The rest of the day continued as normal. You went to practice with the Vixens and Sweet Pea went to basketball practice. Once practice was over you were planning on getting changed with the rest of the girls as usual but you caught a glance at a tall figure in the doorway. You stood up from the ground you were sitting on and jogged up to the door.

    "How long have you been standing there." You asked Sweet Pea with a grin.  His hair was messy and all over the place. 

    "Not long." He shrugged mischievously. 

    "Uh-huh sure, let's go." You grabbed his hand and led him out of the school. "So what's up with Toni's riot?"

    While eating lunch with Toni she told you that she and Jughead were planning a "peaceful protest" during Pickens Day.

    "I don't know, something to do with her grandfather and that article Jughead wrote about General whatever." He shrugged.

   "Well, that'll be interesting."

City of Serpents - Sweet Pea x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now