Let's begin

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Chapter One:
The sun was shining. It was 7:30, Monday morning. Layla stretched her arms. "School.....yay me", she said blankly as she hauled herself up and out of bed. She strolled into the bathroom and got herself ready for school. 7:50. She had about fifteen minutes to spare so she decided she'd straighten her hair. Her hair was brown, long and already quite straight. After straightening her hair, she ran downstairs.  8:10. She took one final look at herself in the mirror. She wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a check shirt over it. Her school didn't have a uniform, so she was free to wear what she wanted.

She walked outside, locking the door behind her. She made her way to the bus stop.'God I have such a boring routine', she thought as she stood waiting for the bus. The bus arrived at 8:20, late as per usual. She hopped on, paid, and found a seat. The bus journey to school was about 15 minutes due to traffic. Layla arrived at school. Off the bus, into the building, swipe in, same old, same old. Layla hated routine. But unfortunately, it had to be a big part of her life. She was a school-going teenager after all. After swiping in, she walked through the busy school corridors slowly, still tired from not getting enough sleep the night before. She walked past the first year lockers, they were so annoying. Always so energetic. Then past the second year lockers, they thought they knew it all. Then past the staff room, the odd teacher emerging from it with papers in hand. Past the 6th year lockers, which were always pretty empty in the morning. Then finally down the corridor to the fourth year lockers. Layla walked up to her locker. Opening it, grabbing the few things she needed. Just before closing her locker, Harper arrived and jumped at her from behind. "Morning!", she said happily, going to her locker. "Morning Harper", Layla replied lifelessly. Harper began to get some books from her locker.

That's when Willow arrived in. "Morning!", Harper greeted Willow with a big smile. The two talked while retrieving books and copies from their lockers. Layla waited for the two to finish so that they could all go to tutorial together. They all walked to their tutorial, smiling to friends on the way. They sat down in their usual spots. "So...any goss?", Willow started. "No, not really. You do though right Willow?", Layla asked, knowing full well she brought it up for a reason. "Well...I heard Evan asked out two girls..within the same week!!", Harper's jaw dropped, Layla made a disgusted face,"and the girls are best friends!!", Harper slammed her hand on the table in shock, Layla simply reacted with,"Eww..", Willow leaned in closer,"I know right! And there's talk that he might have asked out a third girl!", the girls cringed. Their tutor, Mr. Gavin, walked in. He sat down at the desk. He took the roll call and once he was finished, he sent everyone off to class.

The girls sat beside each other in every class. They gossiped and laughed. Lunch came around, then the classes after lunch. Routine, routine. The girls were at their lockers. "Ugh I've got ballet tonight..", Willow said as she closed her locker. "Ugh tell me about it, I've got drama tonight, then I have gymnastics tomorrow", Harper said as she closed her locker. "Ugh! I know right, I've got...sitting on my ass!", Layla said dramatically. The girls laughed. Harper said goodbye and walked home. Willow and Layla walked through the school building. "So, have you found a hobbie yet?", Willow asked jokingly. Layla laughed and shook her head. "Um actually...", Willow looked at her, listening inventively, "I've never told you guys.. but I'd love to learn how to play piano!", Layla said longingly. Willows eyes widened and she smiled. "That sounds great!! You should totally get lessons!!", Willow said with excitement. "Yeah, only problem is all the teachers I've contacted are unavailable...they have too many students", she said sadly. "Well you have to keep trying, anyways I'll text you later!", Willow said as Layla made her way to the bus. She got on and went home. Walking back to her house all she could think about was how determined she was. She had been self teaching herself for a while now, and she really wanted lessons.   

She just needed a teacher.

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