When Stars and Salt Collide

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Chapter Three:
Mr.Hamilton began to write up some random questions on the board. "I'd like you to answer these questions, then we'll go through them together", he said. He had left three questions on the board. 'Where do you see yourself in ten years time?',Layla read the first question. This subject was a load of bullshit. The silliest questions would be asked. None were relevant to each other. Willow and Harper were already writing. Layla peaked into Willow's copy,'Back in Australia!', was her answer to the first question. She peered over to Harper's copy,'Acting or designing', was Harper's answer. Layla smiled. She looked down at her blank page. She thought to herself 'Why not?', as she wrote down 'Musician', even though it didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. She scribbled it out and wrote,'Hopefully with a job',she sighed, next question.

'What are your hobbies?', she almost laughed. She already knew Willow and Harper's answers. For Willow it would be photography, ballet and guitar. For Harper, it had to be photography, gymnastics and drama. Both were amazing photographers. She looked down at her page. 'Art'. She heard a little giggle from Willow. Layla looked at her as she pointed to her first answer. Layla giggled. Mr.Hamilton shushed them. Third question. 'Would you pick music or your phone?', as predicted. The questions didn't relate to each other whatsoever. She wrote down music.

After ten minutes, Mr.Hamilton stood from the desk."Okay, is everyone finished?", he received a few bored 'yeahs'. "Right then, first question, let's see", he looked around the room. Looking to ask someone for an answer. His eyes landed on Layla. He paused for a second, staring at her. "Um you!", he pointed to her and she sat there with wide eyes. "What's your name?", Layla was a quiet girl. She hated being singled out, and it just so happened to be a teacher she so attracted to. "Layla...", she responded quietly, cheeks turning scarlet red. He smiled,"Like the song?", he waited for her to answer. But she sat there silent. She froze. Tounge tied. It was a simple enough question and she knew the song he was referring to, she was just so focused on looking at him. "You know? The song...by Eric Clapton..?", he went on. Willow kicked her under the table and Layla frantically looked at her then quickly back at Mr.Hamilton. "Uh..yes", she finally spit out. He smiled and paused again just to look at her. "It's a good song...so do you have an answer to the first question..?" She paused for a second and looked down at her paper.

She looked at him then back at her paper. "Um...with a job..", the whole class laughed. He smiled."Good answer...is that it or..?", she blushed.
"Yeah, that's it..", she said quickly and looked down. "Thank you Layla, okay next question", he went through the other questions without interrogating anyone else. Layla felt like an idiot. She embarrassed herself in front of him already. Willow and Harper looked at her as if to say, 'What was that?!', she just looked away. Afraid to admit she found him attractive. The bell rang. "I want you all to hand to your answers up to me on your way out, I'd like to have a read through them", the class threw pages down on the desk as they left. Layla struggled to get her books in her bag, still shaking from her earlier embarrassment. Willow and Harper left the room, wanting to get to their  lockers. Layla rushed towards the door and handed her page to Mr.Hamilton. "Stay for a minute, I'd like to have a word",her heart almost stopped. She turned to face him. He sat on the edge of the desk and read through her answers. "Layla....", he sang and smiled. She laughed a little. "You crossed out Musician?", he said to her, looking for an explanation. She opened her mouth a little trying to think of one. "What's your instrument?", she paused. "Piano...",she said it very quietly and unsure. "Oh lovely, what grade are you on?", she laughed awkwardly. "I'm not....I'm self thought. I've been looking for a teacher for a while", she said, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He lifted his chin a little and breathed heavily. She looked at him confused. "You don't like talking in front of the class do you?", she shook her head. "Sorry about that...", she smiled,"it's fine sir..", he smiled and stood up. He stood extremely close to her. "I'll see you tomorrow...Layla..", she smiled and left the room, taking a deep breath as she did. She went to her locker. Then made her way home, preparing to be bombarded with texts from Willow and Harper.

He made her feel strange. But she kinda liked it. This wasn't her usual routine. And she couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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