Clash of Swords

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Chapter Thirty:
Layla looked at him shocked. He didn't look at her, he just kept walking towards the car. She was a bit taken back by his demand. 'Why is he so angry?', Layla thought. She made no comment and got into the car. He slammed his door shut. She looked at him confused. He was breathing heavily. "Andrew...are you-", she stopped talking when he put the key in the car and turned it viciously. The car started and he pulled out of the parking space recklessly.

Layla was nervous. She didn't know what was wrong with him. They were silent as he drove down the road. She turned her head slightly to look at him. He looked tense, focused on the road and annoyed. She leaned her torso forward and placed her hand on his thigh,"Andrew? Are you okay? Did something ha-", she was cut off by him shoved her hand off. She took her hand away from him slowly, in shock. 'What the hell is wrong with him?', she thought. She huffed and crossed her arms. She looked out the window. They passed by her estate. 'Must be going to his....', she thought,annoyed she didn't even get a say.

The rest of the journey they were both silent. They pulled into the driveway of Andrew's house. He got out of the car quickly without a word. Layla stayed in the car until he was at the front door. She got out slowly, not taking her eyes off him. She walked towards him, keeping her distance. He unlocked the door and stormed inside. Layla waited a second before stepping inside. She closed the door behind herself. She looked around. The kitchen door was open, so she presumed he was in there. She walked into the kitchen, finding him at the sink, looking out the window. His hands were spread far apart, gripping the counter top. He was breathing heavily.

"Andrew....", she whispered. She was afraid she'd get a bad reaction. He didn't look at her. He just turned his head to the side, looking at the floor. Layla took that as 'I'm listening'. " to me", she said taking a step forward. He turned his body completely around to face her. He did it so quickly she got a fright and jolted back slightly. "You wanna know what's wrong with me Layla?", he asked sounding angry. She didn't say anything. She just stared. "They were asking about us....they could've found out...", he said leaning his torso forward and emphasising his words viciously. "I know..they asked me too, but I didn't say anything I prom-",
"I wasn't finished!!", he shouted at her.

"This can't happen again Layla!! I could've lost everything!!", he continued to shout and her breathing quickened,"Andrew, you're scaring me...","They could've found out and I would've lost my teaching licence and gone to prison!!", he shouted at the top of his lungs, walking towards her. "It wasn't my fault!", she said almost crying. He turned and walked back over to the counter, rubbing the back of his neck with both hands. "I'm sorry...but it's okay's over now...we can be togeth- ahh!", she let out a scream as he smashed a glass against the wall that sitting next to him. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't have gone out to that fucking party with that fucking boy!", he shouted at her. Layla began to cry,"I didn't know what would happen! I'm sorry Andrew..", she sobbed out. "That statement risked everything! I risked everything because you got involved with Lucas!", he shouted at her. He was now in her face, towering over her. "No! You did that!", she shouted at him, "What did I do?!", he grabbed the collar of her top,"You risked everything the second you laid a hand on me!!", she screamed and he let go and raised his hand. Her arms went to cover her face in fear of him.

He paused. He looked at his raised hand, then at Layla's small, shaking form. He stepped back, shocked at himself. She peeked out from behind her arms. "Layla....I'm...", she walked away from him backwards, tears streaming down her face. She ran upstairs. He didn't move from his spot. He looked down at his hands. Then to the smashed glass from earlier. He walked back into a wall and let himself slide down against it, bringing his knees to his chest, joining his hands together and crying. Layla ran into the bedroom and bounced down on the bed. She sobbed loudly, tears soaking the blanket beneath her.

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