Cat's out of the Bag

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Chapter Twenty Four:
Layla woke up. She had stayed over night. It was early, the sun was shining. She stretched her arms. Andrew was still asleep. She decided she'd make breakfast for both of them. She went downstairs. She made breakfast and she got ready to go to school. They were in the car.

" you feel different..?", Andrew asked very awkwardly. She smiled, "Yeah....", she laughed. He put his hand on her knee,"we should do it more often....", he said quietly with a smirk. She smiled awkwardly. They arrived at school. He dropped her off and went home.

"This couldn't be a coincidence...", Chris said regretfully. Willow shook her head. "Chris...she wouldn't....", she said trying to block all sorts of reason. They were sitting in tutorial on their own. "Then how do you explain the photo?", he asked. Willow didn't answer. "Or the fact she texted him at the party?", he asked. She stayed silent. "I will talk to Layla is not the place to be asking your friend if she's sleeping with a teacher!", just then Mr.Gavin walked in and gave Willow an annoyed look, knowing she was discussing Layla.

Slowly the class arrived, including Harper and Justin. Layla was the last to walk in. She was late. The whole class went silent and stared at her. She looked down ashamed. "Morning Layla! Take a seat",Mr.Gavin said happily. She did and the class slowly went back into conversation. As Layla was leaving Mr.Gavin stopped her. "It'll blow over Layla....don't worry", she smiled and left.

The school day went very slow. Lucas wasn't in, so that helped. At the end of the day, the gang were all at their lockers, the school emptying fast. "Hey, do you guys all want to come over? We can order pizza, I have a lot of junk food in the house...", Willow said to the group. Justin rubbed his hands together thinking about the pizza and nodded quickly. Chris and Harper nodded. "Layla..?", she asked. Layla was still getting books out of her locker.

She turned,"I thought you guys would be avoiding me with everything that's happened...", she said sadly. Willow pulled her into a hug,"Never. None of this is your fault...all we want to do is help and be there for you....", she said. Layla smiled,"Okay....sounds good", the group all made their way to Willow's. They ordered pizza and sat in the kitchen waiting for it to arrive. 

"Layla...can we talk for a minute...?", Chris asked quietly. Layla nodded and went to the living room with Chris and Justin. "Okay. We need to know exactly what's going on with you and Mr.Hamilton", Layla was a bit taken back. "He's my-", she started. Chris cut her off,"There's more to it then that, there has to be! You texted him at the party, we sometimes see you in his car, and then the photo...please Layla. It's stressing Willow and Harper out. They are so worried about you", Chris pleaded with her. "You're being selfish by letting them stress you know! But I guess it doesn't matter because you're getting what you want!", Justin burst out. Layla looked at him shocked.

The girls came running in,"What's going on?!", Harper shouted at them. "We are trying to get the truth out of Layla!", Justin shouted back. "Everyone stop!!", Willow shouted. She turned to Layla,"'ve had a glow all day...Harper and I noticed. Please tell us you didn't..", she said sounding very concerned.

Layla sighed. She'd had enough. "You know what..? Yes. I slept with him. But only last night. Nothing happened before. And please, go. Go tell the world and ruin everything. But he was so gentle with me. He made sure I was ready", she said looking each of her friends in the eye. Willow looked to Chris. Then she looked back at Layla,"Thank you....for telling us....", she said her head held low.

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