Forbidden Friendship

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Chapter Eighteen:
Mr.Hamilton looked down at her. He was a little taken back. She was asking to go to his house after what just happened. He was happy about it...just surprised. She stared up into his eyes sadly, waiting for him to respond. "Are you sure?", he asked. She let go of him,"it's okay..if you don't want me there....I'll just catch a bus and go home....", he looked sadly into her eyes. "No, let me bring you home. You've got a free house right? Your parents are away..?", she only nodded in response.

He brought her out to the car. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying, no doubt she would cry again later in the day. He walked towards the car, she followed. He held her hand. She rubbed her eyes feeling tired from all the crying she did.

Mr.Gavin walked out of the school, still chatting to Mr.Bray. They walked out into the car park, where both their cars were parked. Mr.Gavin stopped in his tracks. 'Is that Layla?', he thought. Mr.Bray looked at him concerned,"What's wrong?", he didn't reply. He just pointed towards Mr.Hamilton and Layla getting into a car. "That doesn't look good", Mr.Bray said. "Should we stop them?", he asked. Mr.Gavin shook his head.

The car pulled out of the space and drove off. Mr.Gavin told Mr.Bray not to worry, and that he'd keep an eye on things. Although Mr.Bray knew Layla from being her teacher, he didn't know what was going on. It didn't look good though.

Mr.Hamilton pulled up to Layla's house. "Here we are...", he said, sounding happy to try and lift her spirits. "Come in..", she said quietly. He wasn't sure about this. He thought she could use a break from him. But she looked at him sadly. He couldn't say no. She was in pain and she clearly wanted him for comfort.

He unbuckled his seat belt and sighed, "Okay....but only if it'll make you feel better...", he said getting out of the car. Layla got out and searched through her bag for her keys as she walked up to the door. He stood and waited patiently beside her as she unlocked the door. She stepped inside. The house was quite.

She walked into the sitting room and was greeted by a loud meow. "Hey Dani!!Miss me?", she said picking up her cat. Mr.Hamilton smiled,"You never mentioned a cat..", he said rubbing the cats head. "You like cats?", she asked awkwardly. He laughed,"Yeah...", she sighed with relief and set Dani down on the floor.

"Are you hungry?",she asked smiling. "I could eat", he said. He needed to talk to her about what happened in school, but she was distracted and she wasn't crying, which was good. He followed her into the kitchen. She took out some oven fries and chicken. Both were cooked in less then fifteen minutes. She brought two plates to the table and they sat down to eat.

"Hey....maybe we should talk...about what happened", Mr.Hamilton spoke up. "Andrew...please I don't want to talk about it...", she responded. He sighed. "I think we were pretty upset back there...I can understand why of course...", he kept talking, trying to make her open up about it.

She refused to talk. He decided he'd try again after the food. She took his plate once he was finished. "You can sit on the sofa while I clean up..", she said bringing both plates into the kitchen. He got up and walked to the sofa and sat down. He sighed.

After five minutes, Layla came back in and sat beside him. "Now can we talk?", he asked. She huffed and he took that as the opportunity. "Are you okay after what happened?", he asked. She turned to him,"I'm was just really embarrassing..", she replied sadly. He held her hand,"He's an asshole...just ignore him..he'll find some other rumour to spread by tomorrow...", he said trying his best to comfort her. She gripped onto his hand. "Lucas is a creep, always has me especially...I only agreed to go to the party with him because I thought it would shut him up..",she sighed.

Layla looked down at Andrew's hand. He followed her eyes. "I'm sorry-", he took his hand away,"I keep forgetting. No touching..", she took his hand into hers.

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