Heart Of Courage

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Chapter Thirty Two:
Mr.Hamilton pulled out of the driveway quickly. The tyres screeched  loudly as he turned the car. His foot pushed down hard on the ignition. He felt the cold sweat on his forehead. He leaned forward in his seat as if it would make the car faster. His heart was beating out of his chest. His knuckles turned white from how tight he was gripping the wheel. He thought about how scared Layla must be. 'Do I ring the police?', he thought, 'What if he gets what he wants this time?'.

Layla gripped onto the white sink. She looked up at the mirror in front of her. Judging her own reflection. Was she unreasonable? Should she send him a text? No. No he scared her half to death and wouldn't let her leave. She'd make him wait. To find she had left. Layla's attention was pulled from the mirror and thrown to her phone. A text from Willow. 'Just checking up. U okay?', she picked up the phone and typed out 'I'm fine', her thumb hovered above the send button. She huffed and deleted the text message and threw her phone down.

Andrew drove to where Lucas told him to go. He pulled up outside an old abandoned underground car park. He held the stirring wheel tightly. He tensed up, afraid of what he might find. He got out of the car and walked into the underground car park. He walked around aimlessly for five minutes straight. "LUCAS!?", he shouted as he continued to look for the two. "OH YES LAYLA!", he heard a voice shouting. "THAT'S IT......Layla...", he turned to see Lucas, a smirk plastered across his face. Lucas started clapping slowly and laughing. Andrew stepped back, "Where's Layla?", he asked impatiently. Lucas' smile disappeared unrealistically fast. "Oh...right..she won't be joining us today..", he said.

Andrew stepped closer,"Where is she?! LAYLA?!", he shouted. "Oh. No no Mr.Hamilton. She's not here. I'm presuming she's at home. See I had to make sure you two were apart....you and I are due a chat..", he pulled out a small hand gun. Andrew's eyes widened and he stepped back. "Now. You are going to do exactly as I say. Or else you die", Andrew's heart pace shot through the roof. "But don't worry....if you do die...I promise....I'll look after Layla for you...", he said smirking. Andrew clenched his jaw. "What do you want Lucas..?", he asked. "I want you to get me something. I know you won't bring me Layla...so I want photos....", he said holding the gun up. "I want you to strip her down and show her to me..", Andrew got sick in his mouth. He was disgusted. "You're obsessed with her!", Andrew shouted at him. "Oh? And you're not? Guard dog?", Lucas mocked.

Andrew closed his eyes. "I'm not going to do that to her", he knew what was coming. "Fine. Then your judgement is death", he said calmly. BANG. Andrew didn't feel anything. He just looked down. His left side just above his hip. Blood covered his shirt and trousers. All he could hear was a high pitched ringing in his ears. His vision went blurry and he struggled to stand. He fell to the ground holding his side. Lucas walked over and bent down beside him. He grabbed the back of his head and made Andrew look at him. "I thought you'd be smarter than that Mr.Hamilton. Now. Because of your stupidity. Layla is all mine. I won't need the photos....because I'll have her. I'm going to fuck her senseless while you lie on the cold ground imagining her pain while you die...alone.....you are officially relieved from duty....guard dog".

Andrew closed his eyes. Sirens. Lucas looked up and saw blue and red lights flash. He stood up quickly, "YOU BASTARD!!",he shouted and he pointed the gun down at him and fired. He shot him in his right shoulder. Just as Lucas was about to run, the police came rushing in from every angle. He dropped the gun and put his hands behind his head. Andrew was rushed to hospital.

The next day.

Layla sat in the classroom. Woodwork. The students around her worked on their projects. Layla was sawing a piece of wood, not really focused. Her mind was with Andrew. She still hadn't texted him. And he hadn't texted her. "Ahh!", Layla held finger tightly. She cut it. Mr.Bray came rushing over. He looked at the cut on her finger and dragged her over to his desk where the first aid kit was. "Sir. It's just a cut its fine", she said as he held her hand and cleaned the small cut. He was very quiet. Layla spoke up, "Sorry...I should've been concentrating...", she said. "It's okay. I don't blame you. I know your thoughts are with Mr.Hamilton. Mine are too", Layla's eyes widened. She was confused. 'What does he mean?', she thought. "Why? What happened?", she asked. Mr.Bray was a bit taken back. "You didn't hear? He's in hospital....he was shot twice.. ", she couldn't breathe. She pulled away her hand from him weakly. She stood up she started walking towards the door. She could hardly see a thing. Her vision was blurry. She couldn't walk straight. Mr.Bray walked in front of her and bent slightly so her low hanging head could look at him,"Layla? Layla are you okay?", she could only faintly hear him. She held his forearms for support. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed. He caught her and laid her down on the floor.

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