I Will Wait For You

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Chapter Thirty Four:
Layla stood up quickly and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning closer to him. "Andrew? Can you hear me?", she asked quietly. He squeezed her hand again. "Andrew...", she said breathlessly. She squeezed his hand gently,"Come back to me...", she whispered. Slowly, his eyes opened, but only slightly. He opened them more looking around without moving his head, until finally, his eyes landed on Layla, who was now smiling, tears in her eyes. "Andrew! It's okay...it's okay....I'm here now..I won't leave you...", she said while cupping his face with her free hand, the other, holding his hand tightly and never letting go. He gave her a weak smile. Tears streamed down her cheeks, "What happened...?", she asked sadly. "Lucas. He said he had you. He said..he'd take you away from me...", he answered weakly. A tear streamed down his cheek, "I thought he was going to hurt you...", he said as his lips began to quiver. Layla leaned in and kissed his lips. "I'm so sorry.....this is all my fault...", she said beginning to cry again.

He held both her hands,"No Layla. It wasn't your fault...", he said trying to reason with her. "No. You took two bullets for me. That's on me", she said standing up from the bed,"What did the doctors say?", she asked. "I should be able to go home in a few weeks....it wasn't fatal....why?", he answered nervously. "Good. I'm no good for you..", she started. Andrew sat up in the bed,"No. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me-", she cut him off, "Oh yeah. I'd love two bullets too", she said sarcastically. "Layla that wasn't your fault-",            
"YES IT WAS!", she screamed. He looked at her shocked. "I hurt you too many times Andrew. You almost died. We were never meant to be anyway....", she said regretfully. "Don't say that Layla....", he said trying to reach out for her hand, "Please...don't think about it too much...", he pleaded. "I'm sorry Andrew. I can't hurt you anymore. I love you too much to do that....", he took a deep breath, "What are you saying..?", he asked nervously. "Goodbye Mr.Hamilton", she said blankly before leaving.

"Layla..? Layla?!", he shouted from his bed. He sobbed uncontrollably and continued to shout for Layla. He picked up a remote to call for a nurse. He pressed the buttons so many times it almost broke. He threw it against the wall. "LAYLA!!!COME BACK!!DON'T LEAVE ME!!!", he shouted as his voice began to go hoarse. He sobbed for hours.

One Month Later

"Thanks guys I'll see you tomorrow make sure you do the homework", Mr.Hamilton said as the class left. Layla was the last to leave and she tried to avoid eye contact. He grabbed her wrist as she tried to walk past. Layla didn't look at him, "Layla....I miss you....", he whispered in her ear. She tensed her jaw up trying not to cry. "Please...let me love you again...", he continued to plead into her ear. "Mr.Hamilton can you let go of my wrist please?", she asked calmly. He huffed and let go. Just as she stepped out the door he spoke up again, "Are you free for a lesson after school?",he asked casually. "Mr.Hamilton!", she turned looking angry, "In the music room!", he said defensively. She huffed, "Fine...but any creepiness and I'm gone". When the end of the school day came, Layla made her way to the music room. She opened the door, he was already there. "Layla! Take a seat,
for a second I thought you wouldn't come..", he said sounding happy and relieved. She sat in front of the piano. She focused her vision on the keys.

"I'm really glad you came...", he said as he went to touch her knee. "Don't. I'm here for the lesson. I warned you about that", she said sternly. He didn't reply. He took out some sheet music and put it in front of her, "Try sight reading it please",he said sounding a little bit pissed off. She did. She got a few notes wrong but she thought she did okay. He didn't though. "Do it again", he said sternly. Layla repeated what she played, this time with no mistakes. "Again. This time, use that thing down there, it's called a pedal", he said talking down to her. She rolled her eyes. 'He's being so childish', she thought. She played again. It was perfect. And he knew it. He sighed loudly clearly sounding annoyed. Layla didn't bother to comment. He stood up and dragged his stool behind her. She didn't move. She heard him sit down. From the corners of her eyes she could see his legs either side of her. "Again...", he said. She played it again, only this time she messed up. She couldn't concentrate with him breathing down her neck.

She then felt a hand move her hair over her shoulder. She tensed. 'Leave Layla....', she told herself. But she couldn't. She missed him too. Like hell. She felt a hand on each of her shoulders, massaging them slowly and deeply. She then felt soft lips on the back of her neck, leaving small kisses all over. She tilted her head back. Small, breathless words leaving her lips. She pushed herself back to lean into him, he was hard for her. His arms then wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. She let her head lay back onto his shoulder as he continued kissing her neck. She held her hands over his, making sure they stayed there. She missed him too much. "I won't leave you Andrew.....", she whispered breathlessly as he began to grind himself against her. "I won't let you go Layla...",he answered. Layla pulled his hands away from her body. She stood and he looked confused. She turned around and straddled him. She kissed his lips and neck. "Andrew....?", she said pulling away. "Yes?", he answered, rubbing her legs, kissing her jawline. "I want us to wait. Until I leave school", Andrew looked up at her shocked. "I can't wait that long Layla...", he said. "It's two years Andrew....we won't have to be a secret anymore....", she pleaded with him. He sighed, "If that's what you want....", he said letting them both stand. "I will wait for you", he said simply.

4 Years Later

"Layla you're on stage in 5 minutes!", a person shouted. "Thanks!", Layla replied, looking in the mirror one last time. "Okay. Layla. You can do this. You've done this plenty of times before", she said out loud, trying to calm herself. "Don't think about it too much Layla...", she heard someone say from behind her. She turned around to see Andrew. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. He embraced her. She teared up. "Andrew it's been like...two years since I left school. I'm sorry we didn't get back together...my music career kicked off so quickly", she said slightly out of breath. "I know! I've listened to your new album. I'm so proud of you...", he said smiling. She leaned in and kissed him. He looked down at her and teared up, "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you....", she hit him playfully, "Andrew stop! You're gonna make me cry!!"
"Layla! You're on!", a stage director shouted. "I gotta go...", she said regretfully. Andrew smiled. "See ya out there....meet me outside after? I'll take you to dinner?",he suggested. She kissed him on the cheek to accept. She jogged a few feet away when she turned again,"Oh Andrew?", he turned. "You'll take me to bed after right?", he laughed, "Of course.. whatever you want...oh Layla?", he called, "Yeah?",she answered walking backwards,"Will you marry me?", he asked,"Sure! Why the fuck not!", she said laughing and making her way to the stage to perform to the world.

The End

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