The Interrogation

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Chapter Four:
Layla arrived home. She went straight to her room, smiling as Dani was sleeping on her bed peacefully. She gave her head a rub. Dani looked at her with lazy eyes. "Something really cool happened today lil' squidge", Layla started, as she took out the few books she needed for homework. Dani stood and stretched upwards. "I have this new teacher, Mr.Hamilton.....he's super hot", Dani half closed her eyes, looking at her if to say,'seriously', in a sassy way. "I think he's musical, and he talked to me after class and stuff", Layla went on, not concentrating on the little homework she had. Dani sat down on her lap and Layla hugged her. "I can't wait for school tomorrow", Dani looked up at her again, this time looking shocked.

Layla finished with her homework and took out her phone. She sighed. The girls had been texting her for the past hour. She opened the chat. There was a mixture between 'oh my gods' and 'What happened'. Layla simply texted, 'He just looked at my answers and apologised for singling me out. Harper rang the group chat. "Layla! Tell us everything!", she said. "There's nothing to tell! He just apologised for interrogating me", the girls sighed, disappointed with Layla's answer. She felt kinda bad. She wasn't telling them the full truth. She forgot to mention the part where he was quite flirty with her. She just didn't want to read too much into anything. He was just being friendly.

"Well we have him tomorrow..", Willow said suggestively.  Layla rolled her eyes playfully. "What about you?", Layla asked. "What about me?", Harper leaned in. "You and Christopher!", Willow laughed."We are going for a walk in the park on Saturday, he hasn't texted me since we organised it, he's probably just waiting till Saturday", the girls gave a few looks. They teased her. They had a three hour long call. Layla hung up a while later. She felt guilty for not telling them the truth. Dani walked into the room. Layla smiled. "It's nothing they need to know about", Dani gave an annoyed meow. "I know, I know. I'm an awful person".

Layla woke up. For the first time in forever, she got up without a second thought. She got dressed quickly. Making her way to the bus. When she got into school, she seemed to be happier than her usual self. Willow tapped Harper. They were currently in the second last class before lunch. "Does Layla seem different to you?", Willow asked."Yeah, she seems to be in a really good mood. What if it's about Mr.Hamilton?",the girls giggled to themselves. Last class before lunch. Mr.Hamilton's class. Layla walked in and sat down with the girls. He walked in, immediately scanning the room. He smiled when his eyes landed on Layla. She smiled back. The lesson went fairly quick. She was halfway out the door when he spoke up, "Layla! Hold on a second", she turned and he put his arm behind her, his chest almost touching her face. Her breath caught her throat. She could smell his aftershave. He closed the door. He sat down on the edge of the desk. "Have you found a teacher yet?", he asked. Obviously referring to a piano teacher. She shook her head. "How would you feel if I gave you lessons?", her heart dropped. "Y-you're a piano teacher?", he smiled. "Well I have no students, but I would be willing to give you lessons", her heart was beating so fast. He put his hand on her arm, "You don't have to if you don't want to...", he asked concerned. She shook her head,"No....that would be amazing!", she smiled widely. He breathed heavily as if he had been holding his breath. "Great! Music room. Tomorrow at lunch, don't be late", he opened the door for her,getting close again. He paused for a second with his hand on the door handle. He then opened it and she walked out, leaving for lunch. She almost screamed.

When she got home, she picked Dani up in her arms and hugged her tightly. "I'm going to play for real Dani!", she said excitedly, anticipating tomorrow's lunch break.

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