The Story behind the Photo

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Chapter Twenty one:
Layla went home. She sat on the sofa pondering. She had told Willow and Harper about what happened and they offered to come over but Layla didn't want company. She needed to be alone. Dani walked in and sat on her lap. "Ugh are so lucky you don't go to school.."

The next morning Layla got the bus to school. She was walked into school and everyone immediately laughed. She looked up from her phone. Her eye caught something on the wall. She ran over to it. Her eyes widened. 'Oh my god..',she was in shock. A photo. Of  her and Mr.Hamilton leaving Layla's house together. Written across the photo, was this message: 'Mr.Hamilton and Layla are having sex!!'.

Layla ripped the photo off the wall. She ran down the corridors. They were everywhere. All over the walls. She ripped multiple down in a panic. She got to her locker. One was stuck to the front of her locker, it read 'I told you you'd regret it'. She couldn't breathe. Harper and Willow came up behind her.

"Layla! What's going on?", they asked her so many questions. She didn't hear them though. She was getting dizzy fast. She pushed past them and ran out to the back of the school. She tried catching her breath. It wasn't working. She leaned against a wall. 'Calm down...calm down', she told herself. She was shaking. She sunk down to the ground, holding her knees to her chest.

"Andrew can you explain this?", the principal asked. There was a group of teachers in the meeting room. Mr.Gavin, Mr.Bray, the principal and Mr.Hamilton, gathered. It was about the photo that was all over the school. He stayed silent. "Is it true?", he looked up. Mr.Gavin was talking now. "Are you sleeping with Layla?", he asked calmly, "Are you forcing her..?", he continued to ask questions. Andrew stayed silent.

"Answer the question you dirty bastard!!", Mr.Gavin finally shouted at him, letting some of his anger go. "I'm not. I give her piano lessons outside of school", he answered calmly. Mr.Bray spoke up,"then why does it say here that you're having sex with her?" Andrew stood up. "It's that student, Lucas. He's got it into his head that there's something going on between myself and Layla, I'm worried about this guy. He seems to be dangerously obsessed with Layla, he's too fond of touching her aswell", he finished.

"Then we need to talk to him",the principal said calmly,"I'm sorry for the mix you think it was Lucas who put the pictures up?", Andrew just nodded. He left the meeting room. He'd have to find Layla. She had probably seen the photos. He searched the halls. She was nowhere. She wasn't in her tutorial room either. He took out his phone and texted her.

'Where are you?', he waited for a response. "Here....", she said from behind. Her face was tear stained. He looked her over. "Layla...", she walked up to him, "I want to go home...", he nodded. "I'll take you home...but you have to speak to the principal first..", she looked at him sadly, then nodded. He told her to go to the meeting room and she did. She knocked on the door. "Come in", she heard from the other side.

She opened the door to find the principal, Mr.Gavin, Mr.Bray and Lucas sitting there around a table. She closed the door behind her. "Take a seat Layla", she sat down beside Mr.Bray. "'re not in trouble....we just want to talk..", she nodded in response. "So..I'm sure you already know what this is about, but just in case you don''s the photos. Of you and Mr.Hamilton. We need to get to the bottom of this", she looked up at him. "Mr.Hamilton has already spoken to us. So we need your side of the story", she looked at Lucas,"I'm not speaking to anyone with him here", she said referring to Lucas.

Mr.Gavin turned to him,"Go wait outside", Lucas huffed and left. "Okay Layla, let's start from the beginning".

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