The Last Leaf falls

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Chapter 2:
Layla arrived home and went straight to her laptop. She looked up piano teachers around her area. Nothing. All unavailable. She slammed her laptop closed. 'This is pointless. It's never gonna happen'. She then decided she needed a walk. Off to the forest. She grabbed her headphones and keys. Layla often took walks in the forest. To clear her head. She left her house and walked to the forest. She walked slow. She sighed. 'All I want to do is play', she continued to torment herself.

She looked around at the scenery. Tall trees, covered in green foliage. She admired it. This was the place she had played when she was a child. She missed it. She took off her headphones and kept walking. Suddenly she heard a stick break behind her. She turned slowly. "Meow!", she turned to see her cat Dani, she had followed Layla into the forest. "Dani! You almost gave me a heart attack!", she sighed, "Come on then, I'm contemplating, wanna join?", Dani trotted up to her and walked by her side. "You know Dani, I never thought it would be this difficult finding a teacher. Maybe I should just try and continue to self teach myself..." She went on...talking to her cat. Anyone who walked by would think she's crazy. But she could tell Dani anything, even if judgement did show on the small cat's face.

They walked back to the house. Layla fed Dani. "Thanks for listening! I love you!!", Layla said happily and hugged Dani. Dani was unimpressed. Layla went to bed. The next morning Layla got up and repeated her usual routine. She arrived at school. The morning was slow. Willow sat down with Layla at lunch. "I have news..", Willow started. Layla looked at her confused,"what is it?", Willow leaned in closer. "Christopher texted me last night!", she said quietly but excitedly. Layla almost choked on her food. "What?! That's the first thing you tell me! Don't wait till lunch!! What did he say!?", Layla replied. "Oh nothing much, he just wanted to know if I want to go for a walk or something sometime...", she said casually. Layla fell back into her chair. "Oh my god! What did you say?", Willow shrugged her shoulders,"I said sure, Saturday?", Layla screamed quietly. "This is amazing!!", she said happily. "I need a favour though", Layla leaned in closer. "I need you to help me get ready", Layla laughed,"of course". The two talked for the rest of lunch.

After lunch went pretty slow. The last class came around. Their teacher had told them she wouldn't be in for the next few weeks so they knew they were getting a substitute. Layla, Willow and Harper walked into to the classroom and sat down. The teacher was already five minutes late but the class didn't seem to mind. After ten minutes a teacher walked in. "Alright guys take a seat, sorry I'm late. I was held up at a meeting", Layla watched as he walked over to the board. He wore a black suit with a white shirt, top button open. He grabbed a marker and wrote his name on the board. "So my name is Mr.Hamilton and I will be taking this class for the rest of the year", Harper looked at Willow and Layla, who both looked confused. "She probably didn't tell you, but she's gone on maternity leave", Harper and Willow smiled, "Aww that's so cute!" Harper whispered.

Layla didn't say anything. Her focus was on the teacher. She found him extremely attractive. He sat down and took the roll call. This subject was a weird one. It was made up for the transition year programme. It was all about reflection and creativity. Mr.Hamilton stood up. "Let's start then".

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