Building Upon Dreams: Part 2

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Chapter Six:
Layla sat on the piano stool. He didn't say anything. He walked around behind her. She felt his eyes on her. Her breathing was unsteady. He was making her feel nervous for no reason. He was looking her up and down and she knew it. She was sitting quite slouched. "Sir? Would you like me to-", she gasped. He had his hand flat against the exposed skin at the bottom of her back. He put his other hand on her shoulder and pulled her shoulders back,"when you sit at this piano",he whispered into her ear,"You sit up straight...for me..",he let go of her and she caught her breath.

"Do you know the keys?", she nodded slowly. Afraid to answer with words. "Good, point to C",she did. "Now..F sharp", she did it again. He hummed in approval. He came to her side and knelt down beside her. She didn't dare look at him. "Do you know what a pedal is..?", he said looking at her. She nodded. She was about to move her foot to the right pedal, but she didn't. He did. He slowly put his palm down the side of her shin, slowly moving it down to her ankle. His lifted her foot of the ground slightly and moved it, so that the top half of her foot was on it, and her heel rested on the floor.

He stood up. She was shaking. He moved behind her. He leaned over her shoulders and took her wrists into his hands. He brought her hands up to rest on the keys in front. "You're elbows should be in line with the keys", he said letting go of her. She heard him walk away. She didn't turn around, she didn't move from the position he put her in. He pulled over a chair and sat beside her. "Right. Can you play anything?", he smiled. She relaxed a bit. "Um...not much...", she said, sounding unsure. "It's me your best piece", she took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking. She began to play. The piece she played was 'First Flight', from her favourite film 'How to train your Dragon'.

He loosened up. The way she had been talking about herself was unfair. She was actually quite good. She could use the pedal, and her left hand. He watched her hands, then her leg. His eyes then travelled slowly to her face. He watched her as she finished. She looked at him once she finished playing. He smiled and gave her a quiet clap. She smiled in return. "You do not give yourself credit do you Layla?", he asked being serious. She shook her head, not really knowing what to say. He put a hand on her knee, she looked down. She was just about to brush him off when he took his hand off himself,"You'll be flying in no time!", he said happily. She smiled. "Do you have any questions for me Layla?", he asked. This was it. She would have to bring up money. Though she decided to start with a lighter question,"What instruments do you play Mr.Hamilton?", he smiled,"Well I play piano, guitar, bass, drums and the box", her mouth dropped. He laughed. "That's a lot! You're so talented!", she said, wowed by all he could play, "Yes Layla.....many things....", he said more quietly. Lunch flew by. And before she knew it, she only had 15 minutes left. He gave her some basic sheet music to practise at home. They stood up getting ready to leave. "Um Sir..?", he turned to her and stood very close,"Yes...Layla?", she swallowed hard,"How much do you want for these lessons?", he looked straight into her eyes. "I don't want money, these lessons are free", she huffed, "but sir! I'll just feel bad..", he put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't think about it too much Layla, maybe perhaps in the future you'll repay me some other way..", he smiled. She left the room and thanked him, not thinking twice about his last comment. She walked off to her next class, a smile plastered across her face. She never asked when their next lesson would be. She had him for class tomorrow morning. She'd ask then.

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