Decisions, decisions...

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Chapter 10:
He didn't reply. All weekend. Layla had refused to have lessons in his house. He didn't text her back. He saw it, but apparently had nothing to say about it. It was Monday morning and Layla was on her way to school. She wasn't worried about what he would say. She stood up to him...sort of. Through text. She wasn't so confident in person.

She went through the day. Mondays were very boring. It came to the last class of the day. That's when she had Mr.Hamilton. She walked in and he was already in the room. She walked straight past him without a word. She sat down with her friends who were still discussing Willow's date.

He seemed angry or annoyed throughout the whole lesson. The class didn't have to do much to piss him off. He gave out to people a couple of times for the smallest things. The bell went and the class were more than happy to leave. Layla was about to leave when he grabbed her. "You. Stay",she shoved his hand away but stayed. She leaned against the edge of the desk as he closed the door.

"How dare you",he said, fury in his eyes. Layla shrugged,"What did I do?", he stood extremely close to her. "How dare you be so ungrateful..",he said quietly. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I offer you lessons, free lessons and then you think you can call the shots?! I'm the adult. I'm the teacher",she rolled her eyes,"then you should know better then to ask a student to your house", she stated blankly.

He clenched his fisted. "We can't use the music room anymore",he said through gritted teeth. Her eyes widened,"Why not?!", he relaxed his fists,"because, the music teachers need it for students with upcoming exams..", she sighed. She couldn't argue with him. "So. It's either my house, or you'll be needing a new teacher",she looked up at him furious. "It's inappropriate",she said angrily but quietly, almost under her breath.

"Well then, I guess you won't be telling anyone...", he said. She huffed, and straightened up, the gap between them almost nonexistent. "Can I at least have a think about it?", she asked. "Fine",she walked around him, heading for the door, "But Layla", she turned,"Don't think about it too much",he said with a smirk on his face.

She opened the door and left. She went home on the bus. As she was walking home from the bus stop, she felt she needed to go and think. He was stressing her out. It was clear he had a thing for her, pity he was such a creep about it. It didn't help that he scared her too. There wouldn't be anyone around to save her if she did lessons in his house. He'd be able to get away with anything.

She looked at her phone. 'I want a decision by morning', was the text she had from him. 'Should I tell Willow and Harper?',she asked herself. No. They'd do straight to the principal  and get him fired. And she needed him. Her head was spinning. Though deep down she knew she'd have no choice. She took out her phone and went to messages. 'Fine. Your house',was the text she sent him.

'Glad you've come to your senses Layla, we can have a lesson tomorrow after school', was his reply. She sighed. None of this was okay. But maybe she was over thinking it. Maybe it would all be fine. Though she doubted it.

She went to her room and laid down on the bed. 'Does he really like me?', she unintentionally bit her lip. 'Stop Layla, he could never...his teaching methods are just a bit full on..', she tried convincing herself. 'I guess all will be revealed tomorrow',she thought. She fell asleep, though had a pretty rough night of tossing and turning.

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