The Storm

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Chapter Seventeen:
Layla had been sick of the way he had been treating her. But there was something about the way he said it... She would never admit it to him, but she liked it. He walked into the kitchen, leaving Layla to her own devices. She looked at the piano. 'He wouldn't mind..', she thought as she walked over. She sat on the stool.

She opened the cover. She looked to the door,'He wouldn't mind...', she repeated in her mind. She began to play. Primavera, one of her favourites. She started quiet. She didn't know why, but she was afraid he'd hear her. Why did she want him to find her though?

'I'm sure she'd eat pancakes',he thought as he mixed up the batter. Suddenly he stopped. She was playing. Why was she playing so quietly? He put down the bowl he was using. He slowly peeked through the door. She was playing so beautifully. He sighed. 'The pancakes can said no more touching...', he thought, standing in the doorway.

She stopped. She turned to look at him. "Sorry....I didn't think you'd mind...", she said, taking her hands away from the keys. "I don't mind..", she smiled. He couldn't take his eyes off her. "How's breakfast coming along..?",she asked. He walked towards her,"I'm making pancakes.. would you like to join me", she walked into the kitchen, over to the sink. He walked in after her. He continued to make pancakes.

She looked out the window. "I'm sorry about everything Sir...", she said staring outside. "Don't call me that..", he said, sounding disgusted. She furrowed her eyebrows,"Why not? You're my teacher...", he shook his head. "We are a bit past that don't you think..?", he said as he went back to what he was doing.

"Please just call me Andrew....", she smiled,"Andrew.....", he laughed softly. "I told you that last night in bed..", she laughed at his response. He put his hands up defensively,"I didn't mean it like that!!", they both laughed. After breakfast, Layla asked to be dropped home.

Monday morning class with Andrew... Mr.Hamilton. She had to refrain from calling him that in school. Layla kept her head down. All day she felt eyes were on her. 'It's probably because I got so drunk at the party..', she thought. Mr.Hamilton went through the class. Near the end, he came away from the board,"Any questions?", the class was silent, except for one. Lucas raised his hand. Mr.Hamilton sighed. "Yes Lucas?", Lucas put his hand down slowly.

"Just one question Sir...", he smirked and there were a few giggles around the class. Layla raised her head, curious as to what they were all laughing at."What's Layla like in bed?", he asked casually. Mr.Hamilton looked at him shocked. Layla, even more so. "Excuse me Lucas?!", Mr.Hamilton said clearly furious.

"It's just, we all know you're sleeping with her....I was just wondering because I never got the chance to try her out myself...", he said and the whole class laughed apart from Mr.Hamilton, Willow, Chris, Harper, Justin and Layla. Layla couldn't breathe. She didn't know how to react. "Lucas...step outside now!",Mr.Hamilton said, trying his best to stay calm.

"Sir I was just she better in the music room or in bed?", Mr.Hamilton couldn't take it anymore. He looked to Layla, who was clearly tearing up. "GET OUT!!", Mr.Hamilton shouted at the top of his lungs. Lucas rolled his eyes and got out of his chair. As he was walking past Layla, grabbed her by the shoulders and leaned into her ear,"Whatever you're giving Mr.Hamilton, I want a taste..", she cringed and tears streamed down her face.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER NOW GET OUT!!", he shouted. Lucas left the class. The bell went and before everyone left Mr.Hamilton spoke up, "I don't want to hear stupid rumours like that from any of you again", the class left in a hurry and Layla was asked to stay back. She sat in her chair and Lucas came back into the class.

"Lucas what the hell do you think you're doing?! Spreading ridiculous rumours like that!!", Mr.Hamilton shouted angrily at him. "They aren't rumours sir, besides everyone knows you took her from the party so you could fuck her", he said casually. Layla sat in her chair and continued to cry. Mr.Hamilton lost it. "We are not sleeping together. I am her piano teacher and that's it. Need I remind you, that you were the one who tried it on with her. Now get out of my sight and stop spreading ridiculous rumours", Lucas left in a hurry, laughing when he got out of the room.

Mr.Hamilton looked at Layla. She stood up and ran to him, wrapping her arms around him and crying. He held her close, as she sobbed. She had been humiliated. Mr.Hamilton held her there for ten minutes. "Let me take you home..", he said looking down at her. "I want to go to yours", she responded, looking up at him with red eyes.

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