Head Held High

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Chapter Ten:
Morning came. This was the day. Layla got out of bed. She seriously considered pulling a sickie. Later today she would have to get into his car and go home with him. It didn't bare thinking about. She got dressed. "I'm not seriously doing this, am I?", she asked herself out loud. She'd have to tell the girls. She couldn't lie about this. That would be too much.

She was wearing a black crop top, jeans and an army green biker style jacket. She looked in the mirror. She still had the chance to fake sick. She wouldn't exactly be lying. She did feel sick. But it was just because of what would be happening later in the day. She decided against it. To be strong.

She walked to the bus stop. The whole ride to school she was stressing. It felt like she was on the bus for hours. When she finally got to school, she had to go straight to her tutorial room. She hadn't even realised the bus was late. She got there just before Mr.Gavin. She sat down with the girls.

When tutorial finished, Mr.Gavin asked her to stay back. "Hey Layla, you look pale...are you alright?", he asked, sounding quite concerned. "I'm fine", she replied blankly. He sighed. "Are you sure? You've been a bit off lately..", Layla was a bit surprised. He didn't have her for anything. Just morning tutorial. She was surprised he picked up on it.

She shook her head,"Like I said. I'm fine", he nodded his head and she left. She teared up as she left. She was lying to everyone. She didn't really feel fine. She didn't want to go to Mr.Hamilton's house after school. And she didn't want to lie to her friends or her other teachers.

The entire day she was quiet. Harper and Willow went to their lockers just before the last class. "Layla's been pretty quiet today", Harper mentioned. "Yeah, she has..", Willow turned to Harper. "Maybe we should ask her what's up..?", Harper nodded. "We could...although you know Layla. She's open about stuff...but not when she's not okay..she hates it", Willow took a deep breath,"we still need to try.."

The two made their way back to class. They were already late. It was Mr.Hamilton's class. No one had been late to his class, so they didn't know how he would react. Harper went in first,"Sorry we're late sir..", she said as she made her way to her seat, Willow following close behind. "Where were you?", they sat down beside Layla, who looked very much 'on edge'. Willow spoke up,"we forgot our books so..", he put his hand up. "Don't be late to my class again, or else don't come at all".

Willow rolled her eyes. She was sitting beside Layla. "Hey, you've been pretty quiet today, are you okay?", she whispered. Layla nodded, "I'm fine", she said quickly. "Are you sure nothings up?", Layla turned away from her."I'm okay seriously". Willow turned to Harper and gave her 'the look', which meant the usual. 'She's not talking, but I can tell somethings up'.

The bell rang. Layla's heart went ninety. This was it. She stayed in her seat. Frozen. Willow looked at her as she started to walk."You're not coming?", she looked at Layla. She could see the expression she was trying to hide on her face. It was the look of dread. And fear. Mixed into one. "No. I have to...talk...to him", there it was. Lying again. Willow nodded. "Do you want us to wait for you?", Layla said nothing. She just shook her head.

Willow left. Mr.Hamilton shut the door when everyone else left. He looked to Layla. She was fidgeting with her hands. Her right leg going ninety. He walked over to her slowly. "Ready?", he asked. She nodded. She stood up, almost tripping in the process. They walked through the halls. They came to the car park. He led her to his car.

She was really regretting her decision. He unlocked the car. She awkwardly got into the passenger seat in the front of the car. He got in. He shut his door with a loud bang. She flinched. He looked at her. She didn't dare do the same.

He turned the key and the car started.

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