Hold my Hand

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Chapter Thirty Three:
Layla lay there, her breathing hardly noticeable. Mr.Bray held her hand, "Layla? Layla can you hear me?", he said gently. Willow and Harper came running over. "Oh my god! Layla!", Harper said shocked. Willow knelt beside Mr.Bray, "What happened?", she asked concerned. "I just told her Mr.Hamilton is in hospital with gun wounds......thinking back to it now... I made it sound really bad...", Mr.Bray went on. Willow rolled her eyes at his stupidity. Harper took off her jumper and put it under Layla's head. "Layla?", she whispered, worried for her friend. Mr.Bray leaned over Layla,"Layla if you can hear me, squeeze my hand..", he watched her hand. There was no movement. Harper looked over her. "Willow, could you open that window over there? Mr.Bray tilt her head back a little, make sure she's getting enough air..", he looked at her confused,"Excuse me I'm the teach-", she cut him off,"I know what I'm doing!", she said sternly. He put his head down straight away and did as he was told.

Layla began to stir. Her eyes opened slowly. She took a minute to adjust to the light. She sat up,"Slowly Layla, slowly....", Harper said gently as she helped her to sit up. Mr.Bray knelt down behind her just in case. She rubbed her forehead,"Take me to the hospital...", she said weakly, "Layla, I don't think you're that bad", Mr.Bray said laughing a little. "No....I need..I need to see him....", Mr.Bray was a bit taken back. Willow and Harper exchanged a few looks and Mr.Bray gathered what was going on. He pulled Layla up off the floor. "Okay.. let's go..", he said leading her to the door. Willow ran after him, "Hey! Are you seriously taking her to see him?", she asked. "I think I've gathered what's going on between the two. Now if you want me to keep it to myself, I suggest you go back in there without another word", he said sternly before leading Layla out to his car. Willow went back to Harper. "Where's he taking her?", she asked. "The hospital....he knows...", she answered regretfully.

Mr.Bray turned the key of his car. Layla sat there silent. He pulled out of his parking space. As they began to distance from the school, Mr.Bray spoke up,"I know what's going on with you and Mr.Hamilton", Layla didn't answer. "I won't say anything. As long as he isn't hurting you or making you do anything", he explained as he focused his vision on the road ahead. Layla thought of when he smashed the glass, and almost hit her. She thought of when he wouldn't let her leave. 'Is he hurting me?', she questioned. She shook her head and turned to Mr.Bray,"Thank you...", he reached the hospital and pulled into a space. Layla opened the car door and had one foot out when Mr.Bray grabbed her wrist. She looked at him shocked and confused,"Keep it in mind Layla that if I'm asked about you two, I won't lie", he said, then let go of her wrist.

She shut the door and ran into the hospital. She ran to a reception desk, "Hey...um could you tell me where I can find a patient by the name of Andrew Hamilton?", she asked out of breath. The woman pointed to a door across the hallway. Layla walked over quickly and went to grab the handle of the door. Her hand hovered over it, 'What if it's really bad.....what if he doesn't want to see me...what if this is the last time I'll ever speak to him..', she tormented herself with questions. She finally opened the door. She stepped in slowly and looked towards the bed. Her hands covers her mouth. She was shaking and tears streamed down her cheeks. He lay there, covered in wires and an air mask. She walked over to the bed and collapsed onto her knees. She held his forearm and rested her forehead against his arm. She sobbed loudly and uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry Andrew... it's all my fault...I'm so sorry...", she cried while looking up at his face waiting for him to answer. He didn't. He just lay there.  "Please Andrew! Please....don't leave me.....", she whispered. Tears fell onto his arm. She swallowed hard, "I won't leave you.........", she looked at him again, "I won't let you go.......", she whispered.
She held his hand and continued to cry. He gave her a hand a weak squeeze and her head shot up.

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