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Chapter Twenty:
Layla got ready for school. She made Andrew breakfast. It was nearly time to go. She was dreading it. She didn't want to face Lucas, the class or even her friends. After what happened yesterday, she didn't want to see anyone. She sat on the sofa, waiting for Andrew to finish getting ready.

"Morning Babe", Chris said happily as he walked up to Willow, who was at her locker. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Morning", she replied sounding not so enthusiastic. "Have you been talking to Layla? You know, after what happened yesterday", she shook her head,"I thought she could use some space". They walked to tutorial, sitting down together.

Harper and Justin walked in together. "I said enough!", Harper shouted at him angrily. He rolled his eyes and sat with Chris. Harper sat down with Willow. "What was that all about?", she asked. "He thinks there could be some truth in what Lucas was saying yesterday...", Harper replied, still sounding angry.

"That's crazy!", Willow said, shocked that Justin would think such a thing. "Is it though babe?", Chris chimed in. Willow looked him straight in the eye. "I mean Mr.Hamilton is always asking her to stay back after class, he's really fond of she texted him at the party..", he said, trying to reason with her. But girls weren't having it. They dismissed the idea without a second thought.

They all went quiet when Layla walked in. She chose to ignore it. She sat beside Harper. "Hey, are you okay after-", Layla cut her off,"I'm fine, can we please just drop it?", the girls nodded and started to talk about something else. Tutorial finished and as Layla was leaving, she was asked to stay back by Mr.Gavin.

"Layla can I have a word?", she sighed. 'Great', she thought. "What do you think of Mr.Hamilton?", he asked. Layla went scarlet red. Did Lucas seriously tell Mr.Gavin? "He's fine, why?", she asked, trying to stay calm. "I saw you get into his car yesterday after school...", she froze. 'Shit', she thought. "He's not making you do anything is he? Because if he is you can say..don't be afraid...", he said trying to reassure her. "Mr.Hamilton gives me piano lessons", she replied blankly, trying to hide any emotion. He sighed. "That doesn't explain why you looked so upset....he was basically dragging you to the car..", he said waiting for an explanation. "Honestly Mr.Gavin, I'm fine, no need to worry", she said simply and left.

The day went slow. Yesterday's ordeal wasn't mentioned. Layla was at her locker getting the books she needed for homework. Harper and Willow left, saying they'd call her later. The halls were empty. Layla was almost done at her locker when someone spun her around and slammed her against the locker. She looked up at the figure shocked. Her eyes widened when she realised who it was.

"Lucas?!", he had both hands either side of her, making sure she couldn't escape. "Hey babe...we need to have a little chat..", he smirked. "Get away from me Lucas!",he pushed one of her shoulders against the locker hard. "No. I want to know why you're so into that teacher and not me...", he said. "Lucas I'm not sleeping with him! He's my piano teacher! Why do you care so much!?", she said pushing his chest in an attempt to free herself.

"Because you're mine...", he smirked. He slammed his lips against hers. She pushed him off. "Don't you dare touch me!!!", she shouted. He stumbled back. "You little bitch!", he raised his hand, his arm was suddenly pulled back. "Is there a problem Lucas?", Lucas turned around. "Looks like your guard dog is back babe", Lucas said annoyed. Layla looked up and she sighed with relief. Mr.Hamilton shushed him. He gave him detention and dismissed him.

As Lucas was walking away, he shouted back,"You'll both regret this".
Mr.Hamilton turned to Layla. "Let's get you home", she smiled and hugged him.

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