Speak in Grace

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Chapter Twenty Six:
Andrew looked down at his phone. His eyes widened,'No..no not again!', he thought as he grabbed his car keys and rushed out the door. He ran to his car and struggled with the keys. His mind was going crazy. His heart was beating fast. The stress shot to the back of his head. He eventually got the car unlocked.

"Lucas! Get off me!", Layla shouted at Lucas as he wrapped his arms around her, in attempt to restrain her. She struggled against him. He dug his fingers into her sides and she groaned in pain. "Not until you've learnt your lesson...darling...",he whispered into her ear. She almost threw up.

Andrew turned the key, almost dropping it in the process. The car started and he reversed out of the driveway quickly, the tyres screeching as he turned onto the road. He turned the wheel all the way around, using all his strength. By now he was sweating with worry.

Lucas pinned Layla up against the wall. He pushed his whole body against her, to make sure she stayed there. She let out an agitated groan. "What's wrong Layla?", he pretended to sound concerned,"Guard dog not around?", he spat at her viciously. She looked at him terrified.

Andrew took his phone out of his pocket. He had saved Willow's number from Layla's phone after the first Lucas incident. He rang her phone. She picked up,"Who's this?", she asked confused by the unnamed number that had appeared on her phone screen. "It's Mr.Hamilton", he responded sternly and out of breath.

He couldn't see it, but her eyes widened,"How the hell do you have my number?!", she shouted down the phone, "Willow that doesn't-", she cut him off,"I'm going to kill you for sleeping with Layla!", she shouted again. "Willow look just lis-", she cut him off again,"Why are you calling me?", he gave a loud, annoyed sigh. "If you would just listen!",he shouted. He then swerved the car as he almost went up onto a path, the tyres screeched.

"Are you driving....like a crazy person?", she asked confused. "Just listen, Layla's in trouble. I need you to get the guys and get to Layla's house as soon as possible....Lucas is there and Layla sent me an SOS", he explained as calm he could. Willow just responded with an 'okay' and hung up.

"You're out of your mind!", Layla screamed at Lucas as he dragged her into the sitting room by the hair. "Let's finish what we started shall we?", he threw her down onto the sofa. She got up and balanced on her elbows. "No sudden moves sweetheart", he said as he pulled out a knife from his pocket. "You really have lost your collective mind",she said breathlessly, but sounding sassy nonetheless.

Andrew pulled up to Layla's house, running up to the door. Lucas heard the car door slam shut and the footsteps running to the door. He looked towards the window, then back to Layla. "Oh....so your guard dog is available! Let's go let him in..", he said angrily. He grabbed and pulled her up.

Andrew slammed his fists against the front door,"Layla! Layla open up! Layla tell me you're okay!!Layla!!", he shouted. Suddenly the door opened slowly. He stepped back at the sight he was greeted with. Lucas, holding Layla's head over his shoulder with one hand, the other, holding a knife to her exposed, bent back neck.

"Well, Mr.Hamilton. So nice of you to join us...really. Come in!", Lucas said smiling, looking insane. Layla wasn't moving. She didn't dare speak. She just stared blankly at the ceiling,  tears streaming down the sides of her face. Andrew stepped in slowly. "Shut the door. Guard dog", he ordered.

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