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Chapter Twenty Five:
The group stood in silence. Nobody said a word for 5 minutes straight. The doorbell rang. It was the pizza they had ordered a while ago. Willow looked up and went to the door. She paid the pizza guy. She came back into the room,"Pizzas here....", she said quietly. She then walked into the kitchen. Chris spoke up,"You guys stay here....I'll go help her with the pizza". He left quickly.

Willow paused at the counter. She had her back to him,"Why did you have to ruin it....?", she asked quietly. Chris didn't respond. "Why Chris? She was finally coming around and you had to go and pull that put of her...", she continued, raising her voice slightly. He still stayed quiet. "How could you do this?! To all of us!", she said, turning around to face him. Chris looked at her sadly.

"I was worried about you...because you were so worried about her, I just wanted answers...",he answered sadly. Her eyes widened,"You didn't do this for did it because you wanted to be some hero! Saving Layla, to save me. You're pathetic Christopher. You think by making Layla own up..that you've saved the day or something? You've ruined everything!! As worried as I am about Layla, forcing the truth out of her was wrong!!", she shouted at him.

Layla, Harper and Justin walked in. Their faces filled with shock and concern. "Willow.....I'm sorry I landed that on you...on all of you...", Layla said sadly. Harper walked over to Christopher. " understand we need to go to someone about this", Harper said not looking at her. Layla's eyes widened,"No you don't. He's not hurting me", she said desperately. Justin placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's illegal and inappropriate, how long has he been like this?", she furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion. He sighed,"Touchy feely... whatever you wanna call it..." She pulled her shoulder away. "You guys can't tell anyone!", she shouted. They all looked to one another. Willow took a step forward. "We won't...for now. But if it happens again...",she said sternly.

Layla looked down. "I'm going home", she said angrily. She turned and left. No one stopped her. She walked home. Her head was spinning. She had just told all her friends that she fucked a teacher. She decided to go for a walk in the forest. To try and clear her head.....not that it would work.

She walked slowly through the trees. Slowing her breathing down, calming herself. 'It's's just fresh...', she thought. She reassured herself it would all blow over, just like Mr.Gavin said. She heard footsteps behind her and her breath caught her her throat. She started to walk faster.
She was breathing quickly. After speed walking back to her house, she turned while unlocking the door.

There was no one behind her. But she was usually right about stuff like that. She turned the key and opened the door. Once the door was open, she was pushed inside from behind. She gasped, her heart nearly stopping. The door slam shut behind her and she turned quickly to see who or what it was. She almost fainted there and then, her eyes widened,"Lucas....?", she said quietly and breathlessly.

He smirked, "Layla....we need to talk...",she backed away from him slowly. She began to sweat, the back of her head filled with stress pain. "Get out of my house..", she managed to get out. His forward steps matched her backward steps. " got me expelled. I don't like that Layla...", she pulled out her phone. He didn't seem to notice as she kept it hidden. She quickly texted Andrew.

'HELP. MY HOUSE. LUCAS.', was the text she sent him. Lucas kept walking towards her. "Get away from me Lucas!", she shouted at him. Just then, they both heard tiny footsteps coming down the stairs. "Dani!", Layla shouted happily. Dani jumped from the stairs and scratched Lucas' face, across the cheek. Once she landed, she ran in front of Layla and her fur stuck up and she hissed at him.

He looked at her with the angriest eyes. He grabbed Dani, "GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!!!!!", Layla shouted at the top of her lungs almost crying. He opened the door and threw Dani outside. He shut the door in her face. He turned back to Layla, who was now covered in tears. "No one, and I mean no one rejects me, sleeps with someone else instead of me and gets me expelled.....not without punishment",he smirked at the last part.

Layla's head was spinning. 'Please help me Andrew....', she thought before he lugged at her.

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