The Party: Part Two

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Chapter Fifteen:
Mr.Hamilton looked down at his phone, as it lit up. It was Layla. He read it twice. 'Oh no...for Christ sake Layla..', he thought. He grabbed his keys. He drove fast. He drove to where the party was. He didn't hesitate to get out and go straight in. He pushed past all the drunk, dancing teens and young adults. He spotted Willow and Harper.

He went straight up to them. "Mr.Hamilton?! What are you doing here?!", Willow asked, shocked to see him. "Where's Layla?", he asked. She looked around and he showed her the text. Willows eyes widened. "Oh no..", Mr.Hamilton, Willow, Chris, Harper and Justin all made their way outside. "Where does this guy Lucas live?", he asked. Justin walked to the front of the group. "Not far, you got a car?", he nodded.

They all got into the car. Justin directed Mr.Hamilton to Lucas' house. He was worried sick. They pulled up. The house was dark. Lucas had only just dragged Layla into the living room. "I want to go home..",she slurred out. "Not yet, we're gonna have some fun first",he placed her down on the sofa and climbed on top of her. She pushed him, but she was so drunk.

He leaned down and kissed her lips. She pushed him with her forearms. His hand travelled up her thigh, lifting her dress. Mr.Hamilton ran up to the door. He didn't bother knocking, instead, he kicked it open. He ran into the living room. He pulled Lucas off Layla by the collar and spun him around. Lucas looked shocked. Mr.Hamilton smiled and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

Layla looked up at Mr.Hamilton. She stood up and wrapped her arms and around him,"You were right...creepy people roam within parties...",she was talking so fancy, yet her tone was one of a scared child. He laughed softly. "Come on, let's get out of here", he led her outside, holding her up. "Look! Your friends are here, they've been really worried", he said to her as they made their way to the group.

"Layla!!Are you okay?!", Willow and Harper pulled her into a hug. "Why did she text you?",Chris asked. "I don't know...people do crazy things when they've had too much to drink", he smiled. Justin helped Layla into the car, front seat. "I'll take her home guys, go back and enjoy the rest of your party", the group thanked him and made their way back to the party. Mr.Hamilton got into the car. Layla grabbed his shirt,"I'm so grateful..thank you!!!!!!",she said happily pulling on his collar. "That's okay..let me take you home..", she smiled. "I'll wanna go to your house..", he was a bit taken back. "My parents are away..SOOOO, I can go to yours", he sighed. She must have been planning to go back to Willow or Harper's for the night.

He began to drive. Layla fell between sleeps along the way. "I like  you....You're great so ye are!!!",she half shouted at him. He laughed. "You're not so bad yourself Layla", she smiled and laughed softly. They got to his house. She was asleep, so he had to carry her into the house. He set her down in his bed. He got in the other side, keeping a large gap between them.

"Heeeyyy", she whispered. He turned, "I thought you were asleep?", he laughed. "What's your name?",he laughed again. She was so funny when she was drunk. "It's Andrewwww", he said sounding drunk, then laughing. She smiled. She started laughing and she was soon in a laughing fit. He smiled. She stopped. She cuddled up to him,"I like that name...Layla and Andrew...",she fell asleep. He wrapped an arm around her.

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