As long as she's safe

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Chapter Sixteen:
Layla woke up. She looked around the room. 'Mr.Hamilton's bedroom..', she thought. Her head was all over the place. She could smell alcohol off herself. She turned and saw Mr.Hamilton sleeping beside her. She looked out the window-'Wait what?!', her head shot back to him. She looked under the covers frantically. 'Oh thank god...I'm not naked..', she sighed with relief. She got out of bed and tip toed downstairs.

She sat on the sofa. Her head was pounding. She took out her phone. 'Layla, hope you're okay after last night?', she read a text from Willow. "What happened last night?", she asked out loud. Just then she heard footsteps upstairs.

"Morning Willow", Chris said walking into the kitchen. They had stayed at Willow's. Harper was still asleep. Justin walked into the kitchen shortly after Chris. Willows parents were out of town, so the house was free. Willow was currently making pancakes, occasionally checking her phone to see if Layla had replied. Nothing.

"Morning Chris..", Willow replied looking at her phone concerned. "She's probably just sleeping it off..", Justin chimed in, knowing she was worried about Layla. "I'm gonna try and give her a ring..", Willow said leaving the room and out to the hallway, where there was better reception. "Hey Justin?", Chris said walking over to him.

"Yep?", he responded. "I'm still wondering why Layla texted Mr.Hamilton. Why wouldn't she text one of us..?", Justin looked up from his cereal,"Like he said, she was really really really drunk..", Chris rolled his eyes and sighed,"But how did she have his number in the first place?", Justin stopped eating. "That...that is a fair point..why don't we ask Willow?", Chris looked out to the hall.

Willow was getting more and more worried as Layla wouldn't pick up. "No...both Willow and Harper have enough to deal with at the moment. We should ask Layla ourselves", he said. "Doesn't he give her piano lessons? It could be completely innocent..?", Justin said, trying not to read into anything. "I know...but it might not be...and if she's getting hurt, we need to help her..",Chris stated as he started making his way to the hall.

"Or we could be putting our foot in??", Justin called out to him from where he was sitting. Chris walked out into the hall. Willow was sending more text messages then she had ever sent in her life. "'s still early, like we said before, she's probably sleeping it off..", she pushed past him. "That's all great but after what happened to her last night I just want to know she's okay!", she said walking back into the kitchen. Chris followed, trying to comfort her.

Layla put her phone down, ignoring the amount of text messages. Instead she stood and her ears followed the sound of Mr.Hamilton's foot steps down the stairs. Her heart was beating so fast. He came through the door, " are you feeling?", he asked. "Confused...we didn' know..", he shook his head. She sighed with relief. "Do you know what happened?",she asked walking straight up to him.

" went to your extremely drunk then this guy Lucas tried to rape you, but you texted me before then and I got there in the nick of time....are you okay?", she didn't say anything. But the look on her face said it all...she remembered everything. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry I dragged you into this...", she sadly said. He gave her a small smile,"I guess it's the least I could've done.."

She smiled. "I should probably text Willow back...she's going out her mind...", she said picking up her phone. " do that, I'll make breakfast", her eyes widened,"No no, you really don't need to do've done plenty",he laughed, "I wasn't asking...".

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