Layla's Breakdown

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Chapter Nineteen:
Andrew paused. He didn't know what to do. 'Don't make the first move, you'll only just go too far...',he thought to himself. 'It might be innocent',he thought. Straining himself not to do anything. She looked into his eyes. A tear ran down her cheek,"I'm not sleeping with you Andrew...", she started to cry,"why would he say that..?", she sobbed, questioning why things like this had to happen. He looked at her with pity.

"Why did he have to be so cruel..", she said moving closer to Andrew and quickly burying her face in the crook of his neck, crying softly. He held her. He hugged her tightly. He felt awful, because in the back of his mind, he wished the rumours were true. He wished he could love Layla openingly.

She stopped crying and tormenting herself over today's situation after a half an hour. She got up. She had been resting her head on his chest. She walked over to her piano. "Can you play for me..?", she asked looking at the piano, her voice hoarse. He got up and walked over to her. "Of course, what would you like me to-", she cut him off,"Anything", he nodded and sat down.

She pulled a chair up beside him. He began to play, 'The Last Leaf Falls', she smiled. She loved that piece. She leaned her head on his shoulder. He played the whole piece without a single mistake. He finished and looked at her and smiled. "I should's getting late..", he said, beginning to get up.

She grabbed his wrist, "Do you have to?", she asked. He sighed,"I mean, I don't have to be anywhere...but you could do with some rest..", he said. He didn't want to leave. Of course he wanted to stay. But it was true, she needed rest. She shook her head,"No. What I need is you", she pleaded. He looked at her concerned.

'Maybe it's not the best idea, leaving her on her own', he thought. He nodded and smiled. "Okay..I'll stay", he finally replied. She smiled, looking relieved. It got late and she brought him upstairs. "You can have the spare room if you want...", she said. He nodded hesitantly. He wanted to be in her bed, with her. But he didn't argue.

She went into her own bedroom. He went into the spare room. He stripped himself, leaving him standing in his boxers. He heard Layla walking around. She opened the door, holding a glass of water. He turned around. Her eyes widened,"I'm so sorry Andrew!! I didn't mean to!", she said shocked at herself. He smiled,"it's okay, is that for me?", he asked. She nodded and handed him the glass.

She said goodnight and left. Andrew couldn't sleep. He was worried she was crying herself to sleep. He could hear muffled cries from her room. About ten minutes later he heard footsteps. His door opened slowly. It was Layla. She stood there in a short nightdress, looking like a small child who'd had a nightmare.

She walked in quietly and closed the door gently. She must've thought Andrew was asleep. She tip toed to his bed, and she gently got in under the covers. She snuggled up to him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist tightly. She snuggled into his side. This is what he wanted. All the time.

The next morning Andrew woke up to his alarm. He turned to see that Layla was still sleeping. Her thigh rested over his crotch, and rest of her leg rested between his legs. He was getting hard underneath her leg. Everytime she moved, even just a little bit, it was heaven for him.

His alarm went off again and she slowly woke up. She stretched out her arms and yawned. "What time is it..?", she said lazily. "It's time to get up. We've both got school",he said moving and getting out of bed. "No, I don't want to face Lucas..and everyone else", she said wrapping herself in the covers. "No Layla, that's letting him win...come on, you've got to be strong", he tried convincing her. She sighed,"Fine...but if I get any trouble I blame you.."

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