Chapter Twenty - You're Safe With Me

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I should have done something.


"Watch me," the officers haunting voice fills the air. He aims the gun towards Kayleigh's feet and fires. The bullet merely skimming her toe.

Blood drains from my face. It happens so quickly and I watch as Kayleigh jumps back, a frightened scream leaving her mouth.

Then he aims it back at her head.

"Don't fucking move," he snarls.

Kayleigh's body shakes and all I want to do is hold her. The fear in her eyes left an unsettling feeling in my stomach. My wolf is at bay, anger radiating throughout my body. I knew if I shifted he wouldn't hesitate to shoot her. He clearly didn't give a single fuck what he did.

My head was in two places.

The way his fingers we're so carelessly semi pressed down on the trigger made me worried to shift. One slip and that bullet would go straight through her skull. I couldn't risk that.

I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from attempting to maul him to death.

"Now," the officer says as his eyes settle on Kayleigh. "Take off that pretty little dress, I'm dying to see that body of yours."

Kayleigh's hands begin to fumble. Her eyes flick to mine, they look defeat. Like she had no idea what to do now. But there was no way in hell I was going to let him touch her.

I hated feeling this helpless. I just didn't want her to get hurt. My hearing senses sky rocketed when sirens started to ring in my ears. Turning my head down the road, I see four police cars speeding their way to us.

The officer looks around frantically, I almost reach out to snatch the gun off him but he notices out the corner of my eye and holds his gun tighter and steps closer to Kayleigh.

"For fuck sake!" He yells out in frustration.

The police cars stop at a distance. They emerge from their vehicles and aim their guns towards him.

"Put the gun down Parker!" One of the officers shouts over. Parker begins to shake as he looks straight at Kayleigh.

"Fuck you!" He spits over his shoulder. "Fuck all of you!"

"Parker put the gun down and step away from the girl!" Another police officer yells.

Parker begins to laugh sarcastically. "You all thought you were better than me." He says angrily. "You all thought I wasn't as good as you guys, that I couldn't kill anybody. That I didn't have the nerve."


"Well you know what?" He says his eyes lighting up. "I do have the nerve."

He steps even closer to Kayleigh, the gun almost touching her forehead. Kayleigh whimpers.

I didn't realise how much my heart was racing until now. Or the fact that I hadn't breathed.

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