Chapter Twenty Two - Shaken Up

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Being fearful is the worst.


IT WAS BACK to Monday morning and Kayden and I went to collect his car. He then drove me back to college. The amount of good sleep that I got this weekend was doing wonders for my head, it doesn't feel so congested. But I knew the second that I get back to campus I will be in the library doing work.

Hating that I can't stop for a second. I know that I probably need a break to get my head together from what happened this weekend.

The problem was that the thought of not doing any work made my blood run cold. I didn't even realise how much I was deep in thought until Kayden pulled up into the car park.

Turning to him I offer a small grateful smile.

"Thank you for the ride," I say. "And for everything else."

Kayden's eyes watch me and it's like he knows that everything is racing around my head a million miles an hour. His brow creases very softly.

"It's okay," he says eventually.

My eyes fall to my lap instantly as I unbuckle my seatbelt and pop open the car door.

"Hey," Kayden's voice turns my body back towards him. His fingers lightly gripping my chin. His brown eyes watch me with worry. He inches closer to me.

"If you need to talk to someone or you don't feel okay, ring me," he says quietly. I nod slowly.

His fingers grip me a little tighter. "Promise me," he says unconvinced by my nod. His eyes flick between mine.

I hold his gaze for a few seconds, time passes and the look on my face made my heart clench. "I promise." I whisper.

Kayden smiles gently towards me.


He brings his lips to mine in a delicate kiss. I pull back but Kayden keeps out faces close. His eyes don't look fulfilled and I can tell he was worried.

So I just kiss him again. "I'll see you soon?" I question against his lips.

Kayden drops my chin and pulls back slightly. "Preferably before the end of the week." He smiles at me.

"You got it,"

"See you later Kayleigh," Kayden's voice follows me as I get out of his car, still dressed in his clothes.

"Bye," I say as I shut the door behind me and proceed to my room.

Evie was currently chilling in my dorm. I felt like I needed to be around someone because being alone just made my thoughts wander and I hated it.

So I told Evie what happened.

She cried.

I cried.

It was all a big mess.

After we got ourselves together we hugged for a long time. She said everything I wanted to hear. Then I stupidly bring up our paper due on Wednesday and Evie instantly shakes her head at me.

"There is no way in hell you're going to cram for that paper in two days, you are not in a good head space to be writing a paper Kayleigh," she sighs as she looks at me.

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