First Year Blues >> Teenage!Sirius Black X Teenage!Reader

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Title: First Year Blues

Paring: Teenage!Sirius Black X Teenage!Reader

Warnings: none

Spoilers: maybe idk


First year

As a friend - well, practically a sister - of Remus Lupin would be, you'd always been the introverted, the keeping-to-yourself kind, almost just like him. Most eleven year old girls weren't in the least bit like you, and that was alright. You didn't mind being yourself.

And by being accepted into Hogwarts with your best friend, you couldn't help but be grateful that the pair of you had been picked for the school of witchcraft and wizardry (you'd been fearing that you'd end up like your old eccentric uncle, Benedictus _______, as a Squib, working in muggle grocery store for the remainder of your life) but yes, the stars were aligned for your purposes. All was going to plan...

Except, all the other carriages on the Hogwarts Express were chocked to the rafters with students, there was no other way but directing yourself and Remus Lupin into the clasps of the semi-filled carriage containing two very alike boys with messy black hair (you could only tell the difference between them because one wore glasses) and a small, average-looking boy who didn't look like he'd hit puberty yet (or ever would).

"Is there a spare seat?" Remus asked the boys, and the tubby one nodded, taking his bag from beside him from the upholstery. "Just one?"

"Yeah," the black haired boy with glasses winced, "I'd cast a spell to make it bigger in here, but," he drawled out his last word for an exaggerated emphasis, "I don't know how."

"It's okay," you told Remus, "I'll find a seat somewhere else."

He furrowed his brow in a sort of worry, "Are you sure?"

"Positive." You beamed, reaching out to ruffle Remus' combed locks. "Don't get into any trouble, alright?"

As you navigated away from your werewolf friend and the seemingly troublesome group of boys in the carriage, you overheard the other black haired boy speak up, and not only because of his ability to project his voice, but that he was speaking about you: "She's your girlfriend?" He asked Remus.

And just as you heard your friend deny any romantic involvement with you - you silently agreed with the sentiment; the very thought of holding hands that way or even kissing Remus was downright repulsive; it was like wanting to kiss your own brother on the lips.

It was also then you heard a question, quite obviously directed toward you: "Need a seat?"

You turned, and saw the ginger-haired girl standing at the glass door to a carriage almost topped with a gaggle of girls of all colours, and one boy, pale skinned and wide eyed and greasy haired.

"Yes, actually," you nodded nervously, joining her in the carriage. "I'm ______ ________."

The red head put her hand out to shake yours with, and pointed out the spare seat beside her and the pale boy, "I'm Lily Evans. And these are -," as soon as she introduced you to the carriage and rattled off all of the girls' names you completely forgot them, except when she introduced you to the boy; his name wasn't at all like the others, "and this is Sev."

He didn't put his hand out to shake yours with, but introduced himself nonetheless; "It's Severus Snape," he corrected quietly, almost dully. "Lily never calls me my full name."

Lily shuddered, "Too formal," she laughed. They were obviously good, old friends. Like you and Remus.

You nodded mutely, smiling at the plethora of noise, taking your place on the seat, you immersed yourself into the senseless chatter, to be confused when the time passed and the train had completed the journey to Hogwarts.

"I hope I'm a Hufflepuff," you overheard a girl giggle to her gaggle as you all disembarked the train, and frowning to yourself, tried to remember which house Hufflepuff was. It wasn't the one your family came from; your lot were Ravenclaw's, born and bred.

Glancing to your side, you realised that Lily Evans and her friend Sev hadn't forsaken you in favour of making the journey in the little boats quicker. After a second of watching Lily quake where she stood, you frowned, and spoke up, because her friend Sev hadn't;


Lily grinned, "Defiantly."


The sorting ceremony had begun, the tattered Sorting Hat shouting out the four houses' names ceremoniously. As a boy was shooed into Ravenclaw, another was called out to the front - the same boy from Remus's carriage who had asked if you had been his girlfriend, answering to, "Black, Sirius?"


You rolled the name around in your mind for a moment, enjoying the way it sounded in your head as the deafening silence of The Sorting Hat filled the Great Hall. Sirius. Serious. He didn't look like a focused, straightforward kind of boy. He was the opposite of his name; a joker. You could see it in his swagger and the way his eyes were cast upwards as the hat contemplated his positioning in Hogwarts.

"Gryffindor!" The hat bellowed at last, and unlike the sound of applause from all across the hall, you noted a silence at the Slytherin table. Maybe it was to do with family pride?

Time flew, and Remus, the tubby boy - who turned out to be called Peter Pettigrew - and Lily were shipped into the red and gold house, along with yourself. Lily was upset that Sev hadn't made it into Gryffindor, but after the Headmaster's speech, she soon forgot her woes when the feast was served.

Eating quietly with Lily chatting beside you, you learned she was muggle born an that she had a sister whose name was also a flower. With Remus on your other side, it seemed just like old times: perfectly wonderful.

You just hoped that everything would work out fine at Hogwarts.

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