Shaken >> Bruce Banner X Reader

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Title: Shaken

Paring: Age of Ultron!Bruce Banner X Reader

Warnings: angst fic

Spoilers: none, because I made after seeing the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer, not the movie.


You didn't like how he sat there, shivering in the fright and the anger that consumed his entire self. You didn't like how Ultron had triggered all of it to make him so out of control with himself. You didn't like how for your safety, the Avengers themselves had given you a choice to protect yourself from the Hulk himself if he was unleashed and the swarms of Ultron's armies.

From behind the clear barrier - much like the one made for the helecarrier back when Loki had done his New York stint - the isolation room you called your own home now, after finding refuge in the clear walls you watched your boyfriend tremble beneath the blanket. You should be there, you thought. You should be there to comfort him and surround him like that little blanket to make him know he wasn't alone.

That someone cared.

Instead you were the piece of nothing of a girlfriend of his and opted your own self preservation than his own mental and physical health.

"I love you Bruce," you whispered to the cold image of him surrounded by the avengers and the small reflection of yourself beside his self. "I'm so, so sorry."

You weren't an agent, a mutant, a Norse god, chemically engineered to be different, you weren't an accident in a laboratory or a one-time miracle.

You were cut and dry human. Flesh and bone. Afraid.

Maybe that made it a bit better, remembering the humanity in yourself. That made you so conflicted.

"He'll be alright, ________."

You glanced up to see the red headed spy, Natasha, and wondered when your mind had slipped to not keep a track of where she had been standing.

"People say that after every damn battle he has, you know?" you told her, not standing to greet her. "That he's tough. Able. More than capable of getting over the trauma."

"He is," Natasha replied, sitting down beside you. "I know he is."

You snorted slightly, "the Hulk is capable of forgetting the emotions and the breakdowns and the tough exterior makes him forget the pain, Miss Romanov. I'm not worried for the Hulk. I want to be there for Bruce, the man inside the monster. He -,"

Agent Romanov cut you off politely, sinking down to sit with you on the floor, face toward your boyfriend, Dr Banner.

"I've worked with Bruce before, _______. Almost got killed by him too, but I have a trust in the guy that he won't break."

His inner beast was tougher than anything, you thought. The Hulk wouldn't break. Bruce could. You nodded to Natasha's statement, and added quietly, "Not completely. Not when I'm here. I promise."

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