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Padmé and Cordalia entered a small room and watched the Governor's message

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Padmé and Cordalia entered a small room and watched the Governor's message. "The death toll is catastrophic. We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me." Padmé glanced over to see Anakin and Zarina.

"You all right?" Cordalia asked.

"It's very cold." Zarina shivered and Cordalia gathered two blankets to give Padmé in order for her to attend to the children.

"You come from a warm planet. A little too warm for my taste. Space is cold." Padmé explained as she tucked the two in for the night and bid then goodnight.

Cordalia had already exited the room and strode directly into Obi-Wan's chest. She stumbled backwards until he caught her wrist allowing her to stand properly. "Thank you." She blushed.

"Please, Dalié, be careful walking. " Obi-Wan implored as he held her steady. Cordalia nodded. "You seem sad."

"The queen and chief advisor are worried. Their people are suffering, dying. They must convince the senate to intervene or I'm not sure what'll happen." She said to him as the two sat across from each other at a table.

"I'm sure all will solve itself."

"You are extremely wise for a Padawan learner." Cordalia observed.

"So I've been told." Both began to laugh at his remark as he pulled her to his side and hugged her.

"Many things will change when we reach the capital, but my caring for you will remain." Cordalia told him. He looked at her surprised.

"I care for you, too." He looked into her green eyes and she placed her hand onto his cheek. He leaned into her touch and leaned forward to press his lips to hers. Cordalia kissed him back and pulled him closer to her, wrapping her arms around his neck.

It almost seemed like an electric pull that caused their kiss. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against his both breathing in each other's scent. "Wow." He breathed out causing the pair to laugh quietly.

"I never would have expected that out of our original conversation about me being clumsy." Cordalia joked. "I have to go." She kissed him again and quickly strode to her and Padmé's bedchamber. She quietly opened the door.

"Finally! You're back!" Padmé exclaimed startling Cordalia who put a hand over her heart in shock. "What took you so long? Was it your mother or your sister?"

"Neither, actually." Cordalia turned to sit on her bed. "It was a Jedi."

"Oooo. Spill the juicy details." Padmé squealed as she made her way to sit next to Cordalia. "This Jedi was a boy?"

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