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Two months later

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Two months later

Maeve lowered her head and then raised it to look at her husband as she watched him leave with their son. She was fully aware that this had to be done and their time had been cut short due to their chosen lives. Maeve breathed in deeply unsatisfied by the change in course for the Republic's Assassins. They would be heading to Utapau to meet with the Separatist leaders some of which she despised and some she had never met, but nevertheless she was not looking forward to it.

Amalia gently nudged her shoulder causing the brunette to smile. Over the five years the Republic's Assassins had known each other, they grew to love each other like family and grew into specific roles in the group. For Maeve, it was the sister role. No one could possibly know how to seduce a man or woman or do hair better than her. Arya was the dragon caretaker as she was the one to tend to the dragons' every need and was their primary caregiver.

Amalia served as the mother figure of the group, preparing food and ensuring that the group was well enough to fight and travel. Zarina was the primary trainer of the group. Her knowledge of the Force was unprecedented and proved to be very useful to those who weren't Force sensitive or no longer had the time or reson to continue to be.

Astrid was the events coordinator because of her knack of being able to find them missions to keep the preoccupied and to ensure their survival. This kept their names clean yet feared and well known enough to enable them to get alliances with Separatist forces and even with bounty hunters. And of course, Cordalia, the leader and the politician that could talk her way out of almost anything. She was their spokesperson who always thought of the correct thing to say especially in meetings.

The boys and children also were important to the group, but also were useless for the time being. Which is why they were all sent away. Maeve had dreaded this day, but as they left she only found peace and comfort.

Zarina smirked as she watched the building that they had just been in blow up

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Zarina smirked as she watched the building that they had just been in blow up. They had been on a mission to Cato Nemoida which had included the incineration and destruction of a building full of rebel fighters who wanted to overthrow their Republic government. They had to cling to their morals, and yet, they also had to their status as members of the Republic by name although their loyalties lie elsewhere.

Zarina turned away from the decimated building to her dragon who sniffed her hand happily. There were only three more months until they could finally be free or so they thought. Would Palpatine truly let them go free and without any charges against them or would he imprison and kill them to send a message to those not loyal to the Republic? Zarina pushed those thoughts away to focus on the positive aspects of life. Her brother was married to Cordalia's sister, she was married and had a child, her sister in law was married and had a daughter, and her friends were all happy with how things had turned out.

But such daydreams were for the weak and they were certainly not ones that Zarina Skywalker had in the forefront of her mind.

Cordalia pushed her hair behind her ears as she stared down her mother, with her sister, sister in law, and two friends watched with great interest

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Cordalia pushed her hair behind her ears as she stared down her mother, with her sister, sister in law, and two friends watched with great interest. Cordalia blinked before smiling softly. "Mother, I truly don't understand what all the fuss is about."

Amalia's glare only hardened as she gazed at her daughter. "This is what the fuss is about." She tossed her daughter the papers in her hand. Cordalia caught them with a bemused expression on her face that quickly faded.

"Where did you get this?" Cordalia's voice was barely above a whisper.

"I found them in your desk." The others looked back and forth between them.

"What were you searching for in my desk?" Cordalia quirked a brow at the mention of her desk. "Hmm? Did you think you'd find something you didn't want to?"

"No, I just..." Amalia looked at her daughter in shame.

"You just what?" Cordalia prodded her on and she glared at the papers.

"I just didn't want you to put yourself in jeopardy, for that matter all of us in jeopardy." Amalia and Cordalia locked eyes, Cordalia's glare softening. "I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me. You'll never lose me." Cordalia approached her mother speaking softly. "You're incapable of losing me. You mustn't think in that way. It will get you killed."

Cordalia turned away and strode down the corridor away from the group. She reached the hologram and called Palpatine. "Yes, my Knight?"

"I need your guidance, Master." Cordalia looked at the projected face. "My team thinks one way, I another. How can we coexist without tearing each other apart?"

"My sweet child, you must find the balance in between serenity and rage." Cordalia narrowed her eyes in confusion. "You must rely on your emotions to control your decisionmaking. You must make decisions based upon your emotions. It is the only way." Cordalia nodded silently in acceptance.

"Thank you, Master." Palpatine looked at her, eyes glowing yellow, rot setting in his teeth.

"Anything for my Sith Knight." Palpatine shut off the link with an evil cackle.

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