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Cordalia had sent Anakin to kill the Jedi while she and her clones killed the dragons and captured the Assassins

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Cordalia had sent Anakin to kill the Jedi while she and her clones killed the dragons and captured the Assassins. She had strict orders to capture them because of their value to the Republic and to the Emperor. She had turned her back to the dragons when the clones had opened fire emotions running rampant. They started with Dany and ended with her beloved, Jango causing Cordalia to keep her emotions in check and hidden.

She moved onto capturing the Assassins and Rena catching a glimpse of the burning Jedi Temple on her way. She shoved the door open catching Rena and Maeve packing for their escape to Naboo. The two looked up at her in shock as Corvus, Arya, Amalia, and Astrid entered the room carrying their luggage.

"May I ask where you're going?" Cordalia asked with a clipped tone eyeing the Assassins, Rena, and Corvus.

"We were packing for our trip to... to," Astrid looked to her niece and mother for assistance.

"Kashyyyk." Rena finished for her mother confidently. "We heard that Master Yoda was asking for assistance. We figured we could go and offer our help."

Cordalia stepped towards her niece with a taunting smile. "You're lying." Rena swallowed as her grandmother and mother looked on in silence. "I don't take lightly to liars." She turned back to her clones not an once of regret in her voice. "Take them."

The clones moved forward to apprehend the Assassins, Corvus, and Rena. Corvus and Amalia went willingly, while Maeve and Astrid fought back and Rena stood still in shock. Arya ran towards the window and flung it open while the clones were preoccupied. Cordalia, however, saw this and shot her arm to prevent her escape.

Arya groaned in pain and Maeve ran towards her sister who clutched her arm. Astrid and Amalia looked at Cordalia in shock. "What did you do?" Astrid questioned her sister quietly.

Cordalia did not respond and instead nodded to the clones who took the Assassins and Corvus away. She had Rena held back to speak with her. "Rena, do you want to live? Do you want the others to live?"

"Yes." Rena said timidly eyes pointed to the ground. Cordalia smiled softly at her niece.

"They will live and so will you," Cordalia moved her niece's head up with her head. She stared into Rena's brown eyes. "If you join us in bringing peace and freedom to our new Empire."

Rena took a step back from her aunt in shock and confusion. "No." She shook her head determinedly. Her voice was no louder than a whisper. "No." She said firmly once more.

"Well, then," Cordalia smiled fakely at Rena before turning away. "I've always admired your determination to protect those you love, but now you've sealed their fates," She faced Rena once more. "And yours. Take her away." Rena was led away by two clones as Cordalia moved further into the room to look out the window into the smoldering skyline.

Zelena stood in her apartment looking out at the burning Jedi Tenple

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Zelena stood in her apartment looking out at the burning Jedi Tenple. C-3PO approached her hurriedly causing her to face him. "The Chancellor's office indicated Master Anakin returned to the Jedi Temple." Fear flooded through Zelena as her gaze snapped to the flames. "Don't worry. I- I'm sure he'll be alright."

C-3PO left her to look out at the chaos in front of her alone. Realization hit her as she gazed at the smoke drifting into the night sky. Tears escaped her eyes as her worry and sadness consumed her leaving her sobbing into her hands.

Zarina fought alongside Obi-Wan on a creature he called, Boga, and her on a similar creature she had named, Daria

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Zarina fought alongside Obi-Wan on a creature he called, Boga, and her on a similar creature she had named, Daria. The two raced towards Commander Cody. "Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels."

"Very good, sir." Cody told the Jedi as he looked up at him. "Oh, by the way, I think you'll both be needing these." He handed Obi-Wan his lightsaber and Zarina her sword.

"Thank you, Cody." Zarina thanked the Clone sincerely. "Now let's get a move on. We've got a battle to win here." Zarina told the two with a smirk. "And I for one would like to go home." She kicked the creature's side prompting it to dart forwards, running towards the cliff base and heading higher.

Shots were fired behind her and in front of her by Clone cannons. She glanced behind her to see Obi-Wan falling into the vast waters below them. "Obi-Wan!" She cried out before falling off her own mount. She reached onto his tunic holding onto him as they fell. They hit the water in a painful slap that sent all air from Zarina's lungs.

Zarina quickly let go of Obi-Wan and swam up to the cliff base, the Jedi Master swimming beside her. She broke the surface with a gasp quickly silenced by Obi-Wan's hand. She glared at him but nevertheless began climbing up the cliff towards a landing platform. Zarina gasped as she cut her hand on a rock and slipped holding on with one hand. Obi-Wan looked at her in concern as she steadied herself.

"I'm alright." She reassured him with a small smile and a grunt as she hoisted herself up and over the edge to solid ground. She reached put a hand to held the Jedi up to the platform. "Come on. I know the way."

"Did you find Kenobi and Skywalker?" The two heard the hushed voices of Commander Cody and another Clone.

"Sir, no one couod have survived that fall." And yet they did. Zarina thought to herself as she listened.

"Start loading your men om the ships." Zarina cautiously looked around the corner to glare at Cody harshly. "Move it." Zarina nodded over to the landing platform where Grievous' body lay along with a two person speeder.

Obi-Wan climbed in and helped the injured Zarina in behind him before setting off contacting whoever was listening to them. "Emergency code 913. We have no contact on any frequency."

"Master Kenobi." The staticky voice of Senator Organa spoke through communications.

"Repeat." Zarina voiced with a sigh of relief.

"Master Kenobi."

"Senator Organa. My clone troops turned on me and Zarina. We need help." Obi-Wan explained the events of the past hour to the Senator.

"We have just rescued Master Yoda." He told them and Zarina glanced at the Jedi. "It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates." His image faded out as Zarina got the coordinates.

"Got 'em." She sent them to Obi-Wan's controls. "I don't like this. A universe-wide massacre of Jedi. It doesn't make sense. Unless..." Zarina furrowed her brows together in thought.

"Unless what?" Obi-Wan looked back at her as she sat still.

"What Amalia and Astrid warned me of. It has come to pass." Zarina looked into Obi-Wan's eyes. "Obi-Wan, you have to promise as a friend that you won't let your love for Cordalia and Anakin get in the way of what is right."

"What are you talking about?"

"All will be explained, just," Zarina pleaded earnestly with him with a sad smile on her lips. "Promise me."

Obi-Wan placed a hand on her arm. "I promise."

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