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Zarina watched as her brother and Obi-Wan hashed it out against each other's lightsabers, neither giving up, neither backing down

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Zarina watched as her brother and Obi-Wan hashed it out against each other's lightsabers, neither giving up, neither backing down. She turned her attention towards Cordalia who stood clutching her lightsaber tightly staring at her sister, niece, and friend blankly. Zarina stepped towards the Embara as Astrid rushed over to Zelena who was lying on the stone unconscious.

"Cordalia," Zarina began cautiously stepping towards her. "You don't have to do this."

Cordalia only stared at them with a blank stare. "Yes, I do." Cordalia ignited her lightsaber with a ruby flourish and scowled at them. "You know not what is at stake."

"But, we do." Astrid told her sister tearfully from her sister's side. "Our kingdom, your throne is on the line. We understand." Astrid swallowed as she met her sister's gaze. "Mother is dead."

Cordalia let out a shaky breath as she approached her sisters. "What?" Tears slipped down her face as she neared them. "How?"

"She was beheaded." Zarina spoke up as Rena stepped behind the Sith preparing to strike her down. Cordalia sat motionless on the ground and her head snapped up suddenly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Rena froze midstep and swallowed as her aunt stood up. Astrid glanced between the two terrified for her daughter's life. "You would betray your Emperor, you would betray me?"

"Yes." Rena stepped back as Cordalia approached her steadily, fury ablaze in her eyes. Astrid stood up instantly as Cordalia drew her sword from her back.

"You digust me." She raised the sword above her head to strike the young Jedi down.

"NO!" Astrid cried out as she raced towards her daughter. Cordalia sliced the blade down and into her sister's stomach.

"No." Rena breathed out as her mother slumped to the ground. Blood splattered on Zarina's face as C-3PO strode down the ramp.

"3PO, get Zelena inside." Zarina told the droid hurriedly as she and Rena stooped down to help Astrid.

"No, no." Rena sobbed out as she shook her mother's corpse. "MOTHER! NO!" Rena sobbed into her mother's chest and Cordalia looked down at the scene with tears gathering in her eyes.

"No." The eldest Embara breathed out at what she'd done. She stumbled away from the group and down the slope towards where Anakin and Obi-Wan were fighting.

She watched as Anakin lept over Obi-Wan who sliced off his remaining limbs with his blue blade. "NO!" She screamed out from across the molten river. Obi-Wan must have heard her and after a few parting words to a dying Anakin set off towards her.

She approached him with a gentle smile. He embraced her with a heavy sigh. "Why didn't you tell me that this was just an act?"

"It's just an act?" She repeated, stunned that he thought that it was. "I'm trying to make a better world. A good world."

"And how do you know it will be good?" Obi-Wan stared at her incredulously and Cordalia huffed striding back towards the ship.

"Because I know what is good." Obi-Wan stared at his beloved no emotion on his features. "We have a daughter, Obi-Wan. She's all I could've ever dreamed, but I want her to live in a world that is safe." Obi-Wan brought her towards him in a safe, warm, loving embrace.

"You are my wife," She smiled up at him. "Everything you say is true, now and always." Cordalia pressed her lips to his and he pulled her closer to his embrace. She didn't even feel the pain when it happened.

Cordalia broke away from the kiss in shock and looked into Obi-Wan's teary eyes. She glanced down at her knife sticking into her chest and then back up at her lover in shock and betrayal. Zarina walked up the hill with Rena to see where Cordalia was and saw this, both in utter shock of what they saw.

Cordalia's legs gave out beneath her and Obi-Wan caught her as she fell keeping her close to him in his arms. "Protect her." Cordalia murmured looking into his eyes as blood flowed past her lips. Obi-Wan nodded wordlessly as Cordalia breathed out shakily eyes closing.

Obi-Wan cried out at what he'd done and held her body close to him. He quickly picked her corpse up from the ground and carried her towards the ship leaving Anakin behind him. Zarina and Rena were there to meet him with bloodshot eyes.

"Astrid's dead." Zarina told him and he nodded continuing on with his wife in his arms.

"Oh. Master Kenobi." C-3PO toddled down the ramp calling out to the Jedi. "Um, we have Miss Zelena on board. Yes, please, please hurry. We should leave this dreadful place." R2-D2 rolled behind Obi-Wan and he set his wife down on a bed in the ship next to her dead sister.

Zarina patted C-3PO's shoulder as she passed him with a sad smile. Rena followed behind the last Skywalker towards her aunt who was still unconscious. Obi-Wan joined her placing a hand on Zelena's shoulder.

Zelena's eyes fluttered open as she glanced up at the two Jedi. "Obi-Wan, Rena." She breathed out tiredly and Rena smiled gently down at her. "Are Anakin and Cordalia alright?"

Obi-Wan gently stroked her head as she slipped back into unconsciousness. Rena lowered her head as she looked back at the two corpses laying side by side. A baby's cry sounded throughout the ship and Rena rushed over to the cabinet where her mother had placed the baby Amalia before they left Coruscant.

Rena gently picked up the baby and Zarina watched her with a small smile. The ship soon took off with Obi-Wan and C-3PO at the controls. They were apparently headed towards a medical facility on Pollis Massa where Zelena could be treated.

Senator was there to greet them as they exited the ship, Obi-Wan carrying the weakened Zelena and Rena carrying the baby Amalia. Senator Organa took one look at Zelena and instantly paled. "We'll take her to the medical center. Quickly." C-3PO and R2-D2 followed after the group as they hurried to save Zelena's life.

"Senator," Zarina called out as she called him over to speak privately. Senator Organa approached her with concern. "Cordalia and Astrid's bodies are on board. I ask only that they be sent back to Naboo where they would have a funeral fit for Naboo royalty."

"Of course, Master Skywalker." Zarina nodded solemnly with a grateful smile. "Now, come, Rena will be waiting for you."

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