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Three months later

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Three months later

Gayle flew through the skies towards the planet of Kajimi. His brothers and sisters followed behind each with a Republic Assassin upon their backs. Astrid straightened up on Gayle's back as she sighed deeply concentrating on the target, a Separatist leader whom she had met and adored because of her guidance, Dyson Rae. Dyson was one of the kindest people Astrid had met and now because of her life-altering reasons, she would have to kill her.

Palpatine himself had asked for her head which, considering the stakes and time that had been spent tracking her down, sounded a bit desperate even for Palpatine. Why would he want Dyson dead and for what reason?

Zarina's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Coming up on the target."

"Copy that." Maeve echoed as she swooped down lower on Margaery's back. They landed in the frigid temperatures of Kajimi right in the town square. Cordalia and Astrid coldly observed the towspeople gathered.

Astrid pointed into the crowd. "You." Maeve and Arya moved forward to retrieve a young man. "What is your name?"

"Rubio, my lady. Rubio Elliott." Astrid eyed the man crouching below them. She crouched down to move the man's head to face her. She was taken aback by his handsome features.

"Well, Rubio, we have a job here. Do you know of any strong good men such as yourself who could help us?" Rubio looked at her in confusion.

"Milady, I'm afraid I don't quite understand." He chuckled nervously as she eyed him up and down.

"We need your help, Rubio. Surely you must know someone." Rubio nodded slowly and Astrid grinned happily.

"I know of two others. One is strong and the other crafty, but they will be of assistance to you, as will I." Astrid nodded as she smiled at the handsome man.


Zarina and Amalia made their way through the streets in search of Dyson Rae's son, who was known to them as a secondary target

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Zarina and Amalia made their way through the streets in search of Dyson Rae's son, who was known to them as a secondary target. Zarina knew Amalia well was thrilled when she she was told by her mentor that she would be replacing Padmé as a member of the Republic's Assassins as the expense of her Jedi title. She could of course keep her lightsaber, but she could not play both sides, of that of the Chancellor and the Jedi.

"If we should find him, what should I do?" Zarina asked timidly. Although she had been on countless missions, Zarina was still apprehensive about the whole ordeal.

"You have two options. Negotiate or fight." Amalia told her fondly. "Negotiation is always the easiest way unless something goes wrong which in almost all circumstances something does go wrong."

"Right, right." Zarina blurted peering around a corner. "Clear." They passed around the corner cautiously. "What if he's attractive?"

"That should hardly be the first thing on your mind, but I cannot say I'm surprised." Amalia smiled fondly bumping her former Padawan's hip as they both laughed.

"And what would two lovely ladies be doing out on a night like this?" A voice hissed from the shadows.

"Sightseeing, is that a crime?" Zarina bit back a laugh at the older woman's comment.

"No, but, maybe we could have some fun." Several men appeared from the shadows.

"Shit." Zarina murmured as she looked around them. The men charged and Amalia was overpowered even with all her experience. A swift punch brought Zarina to the floor and a slimy greaseball of a man crawled on top of her.

She struggled to get him off her until he was violently ripped off by another man who seemed friendly. The new man took down each of the other men who were holding Amalia captive. Zarina stood and joined in on the fight with her sword this time. She took down two of the men and backed into someone else.

She turned violently and pointed her sword at the man who saved her, swordpoint at his neck. "Woah!" He said teasingly grinning. Zarina stepped back cautiously putting her sword away.

"Who are you?" Zarina asked eyeing the man who saved her and Amalia.

"Thomson, Thomson Rae." Zarina's eyes widened as she stared at him. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Did you just say Thomson Rae?" Thomson nodded as Amalia apporached the two. "Well, first of all, thank you for saving our lives and secondly we are lookinh for someone named Rae, Dyson Rae."

"My mother, why are you looking for my mother?" He looked at the two in confusion.

"Well, you see..." Zarina trailed off unable to state the truth.

"There's a warrant for your mother's death for affiliating with the Separatists." Amalia blurted and Zarina shot her a look. "We were sent by the Chancellor to kill her and bring back her head."

"Yes, I know." Thomson said plainly. "I suppose I must take you to her. She knew that the Chancellor would send his dogs, as she refers to you."

Arya turned to face Maeve as they followed Astrid and Rubio to meet these two supposed friends to Rubio

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Arya turned to face Maeve as they followed Astrid and Rubio to meet these two supposed friends to Rubio. Cordalia had stayed behind to communicate with the Chancellor and to tame the dragons. Arya held passive thoughts about this mission. She didn't know Dyson Rae, but to Astrid, Cordalia, and Maeve it was difficult due to their past encounters with her. According to Maeve, she was the kindest person to ever live in the universe.

The group approached a building and Rubio knocked on the door two times and waited for the door to open. The door opened a crack and once the occupant saw Rubio opened the door wider. "Rubio, what brings you here at this hour?"

"I've come to ask for your help." Rubio gestured to the three girks behind him. "This is Astrid Embara-Fett, and the Yonan sisters, Maeve and Arya." Arya noticed that the man at the door eyed Maeve and Arya rolled her eyes. She looked uninterestedly inside the building until she caught sight of the younger boy inside the home who gave a funny feeling that she wished didn't exist.

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