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Zarina and Amalia followed Thomson to a Cantina where Dyson supposedly was

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Zarina and Amalia followed Thomson to a Cantina where Dyson supposedly was. He opened the door for them and the two thanked him before slipping through into the noisy Cantina. Thomson grabbed Zarina's elbow and guided her to a booth. Amalia followed and slid across from the two.

"Now, here's the issue with your plan. My mother is not a Separatist leader. In fact she frequently assists the Republic." Zarina's brows knotted together in confusion.

"So, you're saying the Chancellor lied to us. Why we he do that?" Amalia asked still having her doubts.

"Have you met Palpatine? He practically lies all the time. What reason would he have to not lie to us?" Zarina tilted her head towards her supervisor.

"We'll make a deal with you and your mother." Amalia told Thomson who nodded eagerly. "We will spare her and blame her death on the dragons. Easy peasy."

"I'll clear it with the others." Zarina tapped her commlink. "Cordalia, Dyson's dead."

"What? How is that possible?"

"Someone got here first. Her son is willing to cooperate and come with us." Zarina tokd her.

"Good, I'm still waiting on the others, they should be back soon. Come back to me when you have everything under control." Cordalia sounded relieved through the comms.

"Will do, standby." Zarina turned towards the Amalia and Thomson. "She's waiting for the others and us back at the extraction point." Amalia nodded before standing and Zarina followed her movements. "Thomson, she said you could come with us if you wished." Thomson seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding.

"I've always wanted to see Coruscant."

"May we come in?" Astrid asked the man standing at the door

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"May we come in?" Astrid asked the man standing at the door. He nodded and looked around warily before letting them in and shitting the door behind them. Astrid noticed how homey the house was and it would be hard for them to leave it behind.

"So Rubio, what brings you here with such lovely ladies?" The man asked cheekily glancing at Maeve.

"Well, Jensen, these are members of the Republic's Assassins..." Jensen cut him off.

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