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After Astrid and Cordalia freed Padmé, the three met up with Amalia, Arya, and Maeve high in the catacombs above the execution arena

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After Astrid and Cordalia freed Padmé, the three met up with Amalia, Arya, and Maeve high in the catacombs above the execution arena. They observed as four monsters were brought out to attack Obi-Wan, Corvus, Anakin, and Zelena. Now the four were mounted upon a bull-like creature and surrounded by destroyer droids.

"They're screwed." Arya murmured and Cordalia scoffed. "What? They're surrounded with no weapons and there's no one to help them except us and our plan is to wait here until the fighting gets to be the thickest."

"That's right." Maeve praised her sister. "You do listen. And our plan doesn't require you to constantly talk for all in the arena to hear."

"I'm surprised we haven't been heard yet." Astrid chuckled at Amalia's response. The sound of igniting lightsabers sounded throughout the arena.

"Oh, would you look at that." Arya smirked. "The Jedi beat us to the rescue mission."

"Do you ever shut up?" Maeve nearly shouted causing the others to shush her. "Don't shush me." Amalia rolled her eyes smiling.

A giant battle ensued in the arena between the Jedi and Separatist droid army. Soon enough the Jedi were surrounded by the droid army. Astrid flinched as her husband's head was cut off by Mace Windu. Cordalia couldn't imagine how she must be feeling let alone how their children must be feeling.

Count Dooku held up his hand to signal the drioids to stop their attack. "Master Windu!" Silence reigned over the arena."You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the history archives of the Jedi Order. Now, it is finished." Dooku paused before continuing. "Surrender and your lives will be spared."

Master Windu looked at him defiantly. "We will not be hostages for you to barter with Dooku."

Dooku looked down genuinely saddened. "Then, I'm sorry, old friend."

"Alright ladies, now." Amalia whispered as Padmé sniped some of the droids frok her position with Astrid on the opposite side of the arena doing the same.

Amalia, Cordalia, Maeve, and Arya strode from their hiding spot to their position above the arena. Cordalia glared at Count Dooku across the arena from her post. "Ah, the Embara and Yonan clans. I assume the Senator from Naboo and Astrid are lurking somewhere."

Astrid fired a shot towards Dooku. "I'm here, dumbass." Cordalia smirked in the direction of her sister as she made her presence known. Padmé did the same on the opposite side. Maeve and Arya split up to protect Astrid and Padmé.

"You know, I've always dreamed of this." Dooku made his way towards the balcony. "You wanting something and only I possess it."

"Alright, Dooku, I don't want anything that you possess." Cordalia furrowed her broys in confusion. "Secondly, I'm not talking to you. I'm only here as a member of the Republic Assassins and as a member of the Republic, which by the way, you are defying. Thus, you are now not only my enemy, but my target, our target."

The Jedi and Zelena watched from the ground heads moving back and forth between the two. Zelena was exceptionally confused: Why was Cordalia here and how did she know Dooku?" Zarina looked towards her brother in confusion. "What's going on?" She asked Obi-Wan.

"I haven't the slightest idea." Obi-Wan admitted looking worridely towards Cordalia. Cordalia's eyes wandered down to Obi-Wan who met her eyes. She swallowed slightly tears brimming in her eyes. She felt disgraceful and traitorous. She had never told anyone her secret and she regretted not telling him.

"Count Dooku," Amalia began. "Surrender your troops to the Republic now while you still can."

"I do not serve the Republic. My power has grown beyond that."

You don't need to prove to us how powerful you are." Amalia sighed at Cordalia's silence. "The Republic may have its faults, but it has unity, something that the Separatists do not."

"Let the universe have peace once more as it did before the war." Cordalia pleaded with the Sith apprentice. The droids once again turned to fire upon the Jedi. Cordalia met eyes with Obi-Wan again in fear for him and her sister.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Dooku." Maeve warned the man. "You have already provoked Cordalia by putting her sister into an execution arena. Do not by any means furthur anger her by turning your weapons to her sister." Cordalia raised her head higher in defiance. "You know all too well what she is capable of."

Dooku seemed to be lost in thought until Zelena cried out in joy from the ships coming down to the arena. "Look!" The Republic Assassins took that as their cue to leave and Cordalia watched as Zarina, Corvus, Zelena, Anakin, and Obi-Wan climbed into a ship to safety.

Cordalia looked down into the arena to see the dragon meant to kill Corvus laying down peacefully. She jumped down and approached the dragon carefully. She leaned down a hand to touch its side and gently touched its wound. The dragon hissed, but Cordalia persevered and healed the wound carefully. The dragon slowly rose to its feet and bowed its head.

Cordalia smiled gently at the dragon who seemed tame as compared to the legends she had heard about dragons. Cordalia turned her head to see Rena and Boba Fett cradling the helmet of their father close to their bodies. They had been crying and Cordalia looked up to see Astrid's pain stricken expression she nearly lost control of her own emotions.

She cautiously walked towards her niece and nephew somberly and as she approached the children looked up and stood to embrace her. Astrid could hardly bear to see her children in such pain let alone her sister who only knew the man for a few mere hours. The dragon cradled its body around the children and Cordalia almost forming a bond between itself and Cordalia.

Cordalia knew instantly what the dragon's name woukd be: its name would be Jango.

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