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Zarina and Obi-Wan arrived on Utapau and what Amalia had said of the planet was correct

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Zarina and Obi-Wan arrived on Utapau and what Amalia had said of the planet was correct. It was indeed desolate and was primarily a mining colony. Zarina landed the ship over by a waiting group of Utapauans. "Greeting, young Jedi. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?"

"Unfortunately, the war." Obi-Wan told the leader who carried a staff fit for royalty.

"There's no war here- unless you brought it with you." The leader insisted a grim look on his face. Zarina could tell he was hiding something.

"With your kind permission, we shoukd like some fuel... and to use your city as a base as we search nearby systems for General Grievous." The leader spoke an alien language Zarina didn't recognize and gestured to two workers nearby. The workers promptly headed towards their ship.

The leader stepped closer towards them with urgency in his tone. "He is here. We are being held hostage. They are watching us."

"We understand." Zarina said sympathy in her tone. Exegol had long been taken over by Palpatine in his quest for power. The dragons had been taken and used for his gain and not for the rulers of Exegol.

"Tenth level, thousands of battle droids." Zarina and Obi-Wan exchanged a look as Zarina breathed out shakily.

"Tell your people to take shelter." Obi-Wan instructed the leader carefully.

"If you have warriors," Zarina added grimly as she nodded to the leader. "Now is the time." The three bowed to each other and Obi-Wan set off for the ship soon after. Zarina stayed behind with a smirk on her lips. "You go. I'll get up there some other way. We haven't time to debate. I'll rally their warriors. Go." She turned to the Utapauan leader with a small smile. "Tell your warriors to hold back until a signal is given. Until then, keep your people uninvolved until necessary. Get them to safety." She nodded and them set off for the catwalks surrounding the colony.

Rena stood with her old Master as they spoke with three other Masters about Obi-Wan's successful destruction of General Grievous

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Rena stood with her old Master as they spoke with three other Masters about Obi-Wan's successful destruction of General Grievous. "Master Windu, Rena, I must talk to you."

"Skywalker," The other Jedi Masters left the three alone to talk. "We just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We're on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency power back to the Senate."

Anakin only huffed in frustration. "He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."

Rena and Master Windu exchanged a glance of worry. "A Sith Lord?" Rena asked worridely.

"Yes. The one we've been looking for."

"How do you know this?" Master Windu rushed the boy as he questioned him.

"He knows the ways of the Force. He's been trained to use the Dark Side." Anakin looked over at Rena. "And there's more. Cordalia is the Sith Knight. Not the original, but the most recent."

"Are you sure?" Master Windu asked sternly almost as if he didn't want to believe it.

"Absolutely." Rena felt her heart drop to her stomach as dizziness set in.

"Then our worst fears have been realized." Rena looked at Windu who looked at his feet. "We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive." Master Windu, Rena, and Anakin set off towards the transports.

"Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You'll need my help if you're going to arrest him." Anakin told the older Jedi Master.

"For your own good, stay out of this affair." Master Windu instructed the Jedi Knight. "Rena, keep an eye on your aunt. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker, young Fett. There is much feat that clouds both of your judgments."

"I must go, Master." Anakin retorted, refusing to back down.

"No." Master Windu stopped to face the boy. "If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust. But for now, remain here. Wait in the Council Chambers until we return. Rena, you know what to do."

"Yes, Master." The two spoke in unison as they watched the speeder fly off.

"You called for me, Master

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"You called for me, Master." Cordalia entered Palpatine's office with a smirk on her red painted lips. Her dark eye makeup showcased her yellow irises that she had tried so hard to force down, but was unable to.

"Yes, my Sith Knight. Please, sit. My new apprentice will be here shortly." Cordalia took a seat across from him. "Your lightsaber, is it finished?"

Cordalia nodded with a smirk as she reached into her black robes to retrieve it. She set it on the table for the Chancellor to examine. "I hope it is to your liking."

"Ah, yes." Palpatine examined the lightsaber with such precision even Cordalia could not stop herself from watching his every move. "You have done well, my dear. With my new apprentice, the three of us shall be unstoppable." Cordalia smirked as he stood to look out the window.

"After Anakin becomes your new apprentice, after the Jedi are defeated, after the Senate is reformed, what then?" Palpatine turned to face the Sith who glowered at the table. "Will we reform the galaxy into our new Galactic Empire?"

"Yes." Palpatine assured the girl with an eerie demeanor. "Yes, my dear. All will turn out as it should." Palpatine sat back down in his chair

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