chapter 018

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Aiden felt the cold breeze slapping his skin as he ran through the woods. The hardest part was not knowing where to go since the woods is the easiest place to get lost in. After running for more then 5 minutes, Aiden stopped to look around his surroundings, searching for a possible way out but couldn't spot one. In defeat, he sighs feeling very frustrated. He turned around only to get startled by a squirrel running up the tree and looking down at Aiden, who was on the ground from shock. He glared at the squirrel and slowly got up, dusted himself and turned around, walking away.

He kept walking until he noticed the sky getting brighter, hearing the birds singing he took a deep breath and enjoying the fresh air. However that got him thinking about numerous topics such as home and especially his father. Knowing his dad, he definitely took his frustration and anger onto his mother which ended up with his mother hurt and that made Aiden clench his fists. His mother has always shown him a smile and never the pain.

A father obsessed with money and a kindhearted mother, how great of a life. On top of that they have a homosexual son, who can't protect himself and because of his stupid mouth ended up in the hands on a Russian gangster who now likes him and wants to play with him.

Aiden sighed again. But that's when he spotted a bright light coming in front of him. He blinked a few times, rubbed his eyes and hoping this isn't just a dream. He smiled to himself like an idiot and began running towards it. He exited the woods and sighed of relieve. Finally, he thought in his mind and turned around with a proud smile- only to be startled by Adrian who leaned against his fancy black car and elegant suit with a proud smirk on his face, waving like some thirsty boyfriend at Aiden.

Aiden's eye twitched in anger.

"What the hell are you doing?! And how did you find me?!"

"You think you can just play around and think I wouldn't know where the little Guinea pig is? You're wrong. I have the eyes of an eagle. I spotted you right when you booked it but luckily I caught up to you"

"Your eagle eyes are fake, even China denied creating you!"

Adrian chuckled, stepping forward towards Aiden and bending down.

"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?Because if it had to, it didn't"

"You don't even have feelings. Your entire existence is fake!"

Aiden glared deeply into Adrian's eyes, who kept on smirking.

"Doesn't matter what you say, eventually your little mouth won't be doing anything other then begging for God to save you"

He grabbed Aiden's arm, pulled him up and walked him to the car. Shoved him inside and went over to the driver's seat, started the car and drove off.

As they were driving, Adrian spotted from the corner of his eyes a beautiful view and touched Aiden's arm, which brought his attention.

"What do you want now?"

"Look at the beautiful view. It might cheer you up"

Aiden glanced at Adrian with the most disgusted look anyone could ever make then like an annoyed cat, he rolled his eyes and leaned his heae against the window, closing his eyes and breathing slower trying to process everything and also calming himself down from punching the living soul out of Adrian.


Vladimir stepped out of the car, went up the stairs and entered the mansion of his boss. He was followed by his men, along with Misha, and approached the office.

Their boss is feared, not only in Russia but the entire world yet Vladimir had no fear for him which is why the boss likes him the most.

He raised his fist but before he could even knock, the door opens. He gets surprised by his boss suddenly opening the door and smirking at Vladimir as he smoke a cigarette and laughed, wrapping his arms around Vladimir and literally choking him to death by the tight hug.

"Welcome my boy! Come inside!"

He pulled Vladimir inside then slammed the door on Vladimir's men, shoved him onto one of the chairs in his office and ordered his maid to Vladimir some vodka yet Vladimir covered his cup with his palm and let the maid know, he doesn't want to drink any alcoholic drink. He rather prefers drinking tea instead. The maid, in fear, glances at their boss.

"Oh come on boy. Drink some vodka. Tea ain't leaving the mansion, you can have it anytime"

"I'm sorry boss, but I don't want to. Please get to the point"

"I like your straightforwardness Petrov. Well, as you know, Williams ain't giving up on the money he promised. I wish to plan some revenge on him for thinking he could play around with us. We're not some gang to be played around with. We're Russia's most wanted and feared Gang's! I do not my reputation as a fearsome Mafia boss to be damaged so I have a plan"

Vladimir stayed quiet, not saying a word. Hoping it has nothing to do with Aiden.

"Let's end the entire Williams Family completely"


Misha was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as his heard their Boss's last sentence about the Williams family. He knew in his heart that Vladimir would not like this idea since the mother and the child are people he knew and didn't want to hurt. That's when Misha ordered Vladimir's men to stay here as guards as he walked away to find Aiden once and for all.

To be Continued...

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